Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Huh, I never pegged ESIs as a type likely to be violent.
Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
@FreelancePoliceman, I’ve never encountered a violent ESI, but I haven’t had one as an actual GF. Still, it’s hard to imagine them being violent. Mad, yes. Angry, yes. But I imagine them stomping off in a huff, rather than taking a swing at a person.
Unless you subscribe to some notion of Se I'm unfamiliar with, I don't see at all how it's hard to imagine an ESI (with strong, valued, 3D Se) becoming violent. I'm not talking about the manifestation of Se at the social level, as it pertains to accomplishing goals or diligently performing tasks, but at the physical level. The definitions of Se I adhere to are those that describe it as the mobilization of force/direct action, willfully applying pressure/willingness to confront, corporeal confidence and awareness of not only one's own ability to manifest adequate force but adeptly gauging that in others/weighing the kinetic energy of objects, etc.... The ass beaters of the world tend to excel in this area. Combine that with the weight of one's potent, deep conviction/feeling and/or defending their core principles (Fi), and it shouldn't be hard to see how Fi/Se could come together as a scary, powerful weapon.

IME, ESIs don't often wantonly throw their weight around in a pugilistic manner or provoke confrontation for the sake of, but if they're acting "defensively," as in standing up for something/someone they believe in or acting based on pure subjective emotion in the moment, that could very well manifest as a physical rebuff. Although I'd say that sub type matters (ESI-Se is more likely to "lay hands"), all manner of ESI and strong Se valuers by extension have the immediate wherewithal to be physically threatening/confrontational if so inclined.