Once you are in an abusive relationship, there is a tendency to seek out the familiar in other relationships.

My LSE sister married an IEI Conflictor to get her fair share of abuse. He doesn’t seem to care about her, or even like her. But my sister is living a dream of love, and he is being supported by her, so they have reached a compromise.

My LII sister married an LSE (Mirage). She says that he is emotionally crippled (compared to an ESFJ, well, yeah), but the sex was good. Until he decided to punish her for not being an EII and stopped having sex with her. That was five years ago. I’d call that abuse. He also ran up some incredible debts, so if they split the assets which are actually debts, then she’d be broke forever trying to pay her half without his income. So let’s add manipulation to abuse.