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Thread: Media Representation of LII's/INTjs where they're driving the plot?

  1. #1
    Not sensitive! SacredKnowing's Avatar
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    Default Media Representation of LII's/INTjs where they're driving the plot?

    A lot of time thereare LII's in media and they're often pigeonholed into a -laden job which doesn't offer much room for characterization, or their characterization ends with their job. For instance, L in Death Note is an investigator and everything about him is defined in terms of who he is as an investigator. Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation is defined as the walking computer and everything about him is defined in terms of his status as a walking computer. This is fine, but it offers very little perspective on what it is like to be LII as a person.

    Meanwhile, there are ILE's who are not solely defined in terms of their job/role. Orochimaru from Naruto is an ILE- and he's given significant characterization outside of being a mad scientist (he's also a member of the Sannin and a villain who drives half of the plot).

    Where are LII's who are given significant characterization along the lines of Orochimaru... preferably not as a villain?
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  2. #2
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Jiro in The Wind Rises has a stereotypical LII role (Engineer) but is also well-characterized. The film is based on the life of the engineer who designed the Mitsubishi Zero, although it's pretty heavily fictionalized and combined with a novel about a Japanese girl dying from Tuberculosis.

  3. #3
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    LII's usually have a very characteristics persona of being depersonalized. LOL.

    Well, there are some LII scientists or thinkers who might actually claim a prestigious place in public discussions. I'm not so sure if this is the case in the USA at all. I think Edward Snowden has changed it a lot.

    First one that comes to my mind is an astronomer Esko Valtaoja who even had his own TV show in Finland.
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  4. #4
    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    I wonder where Shuichi from Danganronpa V3 would fall on that, because he is technically a detective(-in-training) who starts as a fairly "stereotypical nerdy LII" but has some interesting moments of... Well, to not go spoilery, he does makes some decisions you wouldn't expect from him if he was simply a homicide detective instead of the kind of detective that does more personal/in touch with people work (like finding missing pets and finding runaways/adultry cases his uncle's office takes on). He even has moments of rolling with a SEE character's gut feeling/trusting his judgement that he himself calls utterly absurd at certain points.

    Still socially awkward, but his Fe seeking is fairly blatant in the way he latches to ESE MC girl and as the game progresses, to SEE guy too, when his demonstrative Fe pokes out. And he is still absolutely terrible at influencing the emotional mood/being able to tell how close he is with people unless confirmed by the other side, but he is a fairly chiller example, than most and part of his character arc being that him having trouble with uncovering some crimes despite naturally being drawn to solve mysteries because of ethical consequences of one time he had played a hand at uncovering a murder case where things were fairly complicated and he got public backlash from, while you can still see his at work, part of his personal development is learning to be more secure in his assessments and to learn how to assert himself when necessary?

    This is the least spoilery way I can put it without heavy spoilers, really.

  5. #5
    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    Most Ijs are like icebergs where most of what goes on is below the surface; for LIIs to emote would not be representative of the type - like trying to flip an iceberg so that the 90% below will show. I'm sure that many would love to be famous or have notoriety so long as they could be as such under their own terms. LIIs are best portrayed by what they don't show; much of their success is often due to their reserve and their failures usually associated with occasions when they uncontrollably let it all hang out......

    a.k.a. I/O

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