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Thread: I'm pretty sure I'm a Beta NF - just not sure which one. Help! (Member Questionnaire seare825)

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    Default I'm pretty sure I'm a Beta NF - just not sure which one. Help! (Member Questionnaire seare825)

    Sorry for the trouble, everyone, but it's been an absolute nightmare trying to distinguish between IEI and EIE, as well as subtypes, so I figured I'd throw a questionnaire and give it a shot. I've posted a questionnaire or two here before, but that was also when I was about 14-15 (I'm 21 now), so I figure that this will be drastically changed from my previous questionnaires. This will also be crossposted to reddit, so feel free to comment there as well? Thanks!

    1. What is beauty? What is love?

    There’s so much going on in this question. In terms of beauty, we could talk aesthetic beauty, we could talk inner beauty (as in beauty of character), etc. – I think it’s difficult to necessarily say what beauty is in the sense that each concept of beauty has a depth of meaning to it – I can’t properly explain what beauty is without narrowing down on aesthetic beauty, or spiritual beauty, etc etc., or else the definition essentially becomes so broad it barely encompasses anything. On a broader level, it means something “pleasing to us”, whatever that may be.

    Love is also pretty difficult to define. I could try to list material experiences that convey what I THINK love is from a personal standpoint, but it’s hard to say that that the experiences I convey would actually encompass what love is. I would say is that love is feeling like someone is home to you, and that being in love adds passion to that in a way where every day is both intensely emotional and comfortable in a good way.

    2. What are your most important values?

    I’m good at understanding the values of others, but I am consistently terrible at recognizing my own values, or at least putting them into words in a way where it’s easily comprehendible. I want to say it’s something as simple as valuing family and the people I care about, communication, trust, honesty, etc., but it’s hard to say that my values are firm in that regard. I think that my values are very much informed by the communities that I’m in, and shift as necessary based on the people that I’m around, or maybe I’m the one shifting it by finding a community of people who share similar values – I’m not really sure.

    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

    I practice Buddhism…somewhat. The thing is, Buddhism is a cultural norm for my culture, so it’s very easy for me to fold into practicing it, and a lot of the beliefs make sense at a material level – okay, there’s probably a creator, and people probably can get reborn, because the alternative is infinite oblivion or infinite heaven/hell, which…probably shouldn’t happen, if you want to believe in an ethical system with actual checks and balances as opposed to being threatened by “you will go to hell, FOREVER”. Realistically, though, religion and spirituality are ways to cope with a fear of death as well as an ethical system designed to ensure that people have an incentive to do good in the world.

    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

    I would say that power is the ability to get what you want using tangible (or intangible) things. Powerful people have an aura of confidence, they are self-assured that they can get what they want by extending their tangible resources (money, tools, etc.) or intangible resources (people, capital, privilege, etc.). The strength of willpower defines power to me, and that strength of will, the ability to decide what you want and literally manifest what you want in life, is what I think the ideal is.

    War and militaries are, of course, an extension of the system. War functions as a way to ensure that resources are not only gathered, but sustained, in a sort of “power game” with very deadly, real-life consequences. Our political sphere is essentially a deadly dance of diplomacy, a giant game of chicken, with war as the last-resort option to brute force a solution.

    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

    I’m a psychology and philosophy double major, so my primary interest is in people – the way people work, what’s on their minds, how people socialize, the way people approach things like love, etc. – I thoroughly enjoy long conversations about that. Other than that, I can be found reading almost consistently (either fanfics or nonfiction books, most of the time), and I’m on a competitive debate team, so I do occasionally enjoy spirited debate on some randomly relevant topic just for the fun of it. I also play video games, and I enjoy the technicality of certain video games such as Pokémon, so a lot of my interests tend to revolve around fantasy, there’s some sort of hidden technical element underneath that allows me to plan without being too jargon-y (I give up at math equations), and worldbuilding in any form is amazing.

    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    The broad general trends of medicine, yes, perhaps, such as the spread of COVID-19 and its effects on the world around us, but in terms of health, I am awfully neglectful of my own health. My friends have commented that my sleep schedule is the worst they’ve ever seen (seriously, I’ve done a 12 PM-9 PM sleep schedule at one point), I have terrible self-care habits, and am basically unable to relax, ever, unless it’s goal directed in some way, shape, or form, and my body essentially acts as a machine that I use to get what I want, so a lot of the time, I can get sick without realizing it or rationalizing it as “oh it’s not actually THAT bad, I guess I’ll go to class” in the middle of a vertigo attack when I’m totally unable to see properly.

    7. What do you think of daily chores?

    Daily chores are a necessary evil for me. I’ll never take joy in cooking or cleaning, even though I really want to become a better cook, and I’m absolutely terrible with keeping track of basic habits, but if it’s scheduled, I’ll grit my teeth and do the cleaning/laundry/cooking. I mean, there is something enjoyable about having a nice song picked out as you clean, but the sheer time it takes as well as the anticipation? No thanks.

    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

    I like shows that are either casually funny in a domestic way, such as Brooklyn 99 or Parks and Rec, where nobody is actually hurt and everyone has a good time, or shows that feature a lot of drama, suspense, and action, such as Game of Thrones or Love is Blind (seriously, some of the shit that goes down in that show is absolutely wild). I can enjoy action movies sometimes, but I like movies with deeper plots that leave me thinking at the end about implications, or what the deeper theme of the movie is.

    In terms of fanfiction and books, I usually go for the same thing – either epics that leave me consistently breathless at the detail and worldbuilding, slow burn novels where the suspense and drama add to the tension to end in a perfectly satisfying ending, or cute novels or one-shots detailing some kind of domestic event or something adorable to keep me motivated.

    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

    I’m not really much of a crier, if I’m being honest, but that’s maybe only because I’ve been socialized to believe that crying is weakness (and it’s something I’ve been doing my best to unlearn, because that’s not healthy). I do cry at emotional turbulence in my personal life, and sometimes out of sheer frustration, but a lot of my crying is done out of sadness in the same way that a pressure valve needs to release itself in order to function properly.

    Smiling is much easier for me though – I tend to smile at a lot of things – things I enjoy, being around my friends, feeling comfortable in an academic environment, reading/watching something that brings positive emotions, etc. – I can be a smiler, and though I will never smile extremely obviously, like some of my other friends, where you know when they smile, I do smile a lot, and remain relatively stoic/melancholic in the meantime.

    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

    I feel at home with my best friend, most of the time. He’s a confirmed LSI, if that helps, and our dynamic is pretty great, in the sense that we instinctively understand each other, are comfortable with one another for prolonged periods of time, and our conversations bounce easily as I draw him into discussion, or he draws me into discussion. In a comfortable environment with someone who trusts me wholly, I let down my guard – I can be me, in all of my intensity or lack of intensity and he understands how to react. Other than that, a good conversation with other people, a decent philosophy class (where the words are actually useful and not just a bunch of jargon put together), a competitive academic environment where a group is competing for a good outcome, a new book or fanfiction that’s simply a hidden gem, etc. – that is where I belong.

    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I have been told by my LSI best friends and others that I tend to have a stubborn streak and can dominate in conversations, either accidentally, or on purpose. If I want something, it is clearly obvious, and I can outstubborn someone to it, often tunnel visioning myself in the process. I’m also extremely passive when it comes to asking others for favors, or exerting myself, which is a major problem for emails and texts, and I tend to “disappear” on people sometimes, which can be frustrating for them and for me.

    In terms of things I dislike about myself, I dislike my passivity, my whininess (sometimes – I can throw a fit if need be at some points, with my LSI best friend stoically handling it), my anxiety and decision-paralysis, which is something I usually need someone to kick me out of by giving me a clear choice to take, and I dislike my inability to properly set boundaries with people sometimes.

    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    I’m a decent planner – if you ask me for a 10-year plan I can probably predict the way that you should go. I’m also extremely good at one-on-one conversations, and it’s very easy for me to be personable and work with people, using my psychology and philosophy knowledge. I have a bit of a pragmatic streak as well, and between that, my planning, and my ambition, I usually end up with things going fairly smoothly for me. I like all of those traits about me, because it lets me help people with things that they need and gets me where I want to go.

    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I need someone decisive in my life, who can tell me what’s what, first and foremost. Someone who can be spontaneous, and ruthlessly logical, to push me to be the best person I can be, because I need people who can tell me to “go do the thing that you’ve talked about for ages”. Someone who is willing or able to take care of the day to day stuff, like chores, paperwork, or self-care or something, because I couldn’t bother with most of it, quite honestly.

    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    My ruts are mostly because of either a failed or struggling relationship I have with someone close to me, or it’s because I don’t actually know what I want to do with, say, my life. A lot of the times, I shut myself even further down and stay in my room, and just kind of read and obsess a little over it – it usually requires either someone (like my LSI best friend), noticing, offering some kind of stimuli, and pushing me to confront the situation and asking me all the hard questions so I know what the solutions are.

    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

    I like people who mean what they say and say what they mean – it’s funny because I deal in symbolism and hidden messages but I like knowing that people are going to be brutally honest with me and will say “hey, this is what I want”. A strong force of will is also preferred, as there’s nothing more attractive than a guy who knows what he wants, even if he is a bit cocky – I find that part pretty cute. I get along best with other Betas, normally, but Alpha SFs are pretty cool and Gamma NTs can occasionally make me want to tear my hair out but they’re pretty good conversational partners when they’re not telling you what to do.

    16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

    I’m a romantic, and I’m not very used to the physical components of a relationship, but I want someone who is willing to explore that physical side of a relationship and make it sensual, considering that I’m pretty terrible in that. Someone confident, self-assured, says what he means and means what he says, and a hardass with a soft side that only reveals itself when you truly get to know him – that’s the kind of person who I’d want to be with, which is why I’m convinced my Dual is definitely a Beta ST.

    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    Oh god. So many concerns here – what kind of education is the kid getting? Are they allowed to develop their interests? Is the home a healthy place for them to develop their emotional side without accidentally traumatizing them? Are they happy in their home? What about their physical health – am I doing what I need to do to keep them healthy? I’d definitely consult a ton of parenting books because I’d have no idea what the hell I’m doing and ask for lots of help – check out child psychology literature or something.

    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

    Inwardly, I would pause, and try to figure out if it’s worth it arguing for my belief – I’m used to debating, but I don’t want to burn any unnecessary bridges. Is this a major value of theirs or just a minor, offhand thing? Can I convince them otherwise? Those thoughts would be running through my head as I try to calculate exactly how worth it would it be for me to argue.

    Outwardly, I’d keep my face neutral, and quickly divert the topic if I want to avoid a debate or activate my inner stubbornness and go all-in on debating someone. This has led to hours-long debates in the past, both for fun, and also just because I’m stubborn and I want to change their minds.

    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    People are fascinating – there are whole social dynamics and it’s like a game that never ends. Learning about people, being kind to people, helping people – I enjoy that, both in the game sense, where I can manipulate, but also just because helping people is no bother as long as you genuinely mean it – it’s not hard to be genuinely interested in or wanting to help people. I could list a bunch of social problem, chief of which being various types of discrimination (racism, sexism, classism, ableism, etc.), or the ways in which we handle our relationships with others, but I’d say that all of them center around our treatment and awareness of others around us, compared to how we treat ourselves.

    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

    My friends are mostly the “who stays and can deal with my quirks” type of people – I have a lot of acquaintances, and I’m good at appearing harmlessly friendly, so a lot of the time, I’ve noticed that people just “know” who I am, which makes me both slightly uncomfortable but also, it’s nice to be known, sometimes. I behave mostly like me, with a few modifications to increase their comfort, or emphasizing certain parts of the friendships that they like and minimizing the ones they hate – I’m fairly good at modifying my reaction to people as necessary. My best friend gets the full, unfiltered, experience, and I think it goes unsaid that we’re both totally honest with each other, and we like it that way.

    21. How do you behave around strangers?

    Ooh, that’s interesting. First, figure out the purpose of socialization – if it’s just a passerby or a situation where I probably shouldn’t converse, I won’t say anything. If it’s someone I probably should converse with or if it gets too awkward, I try for small talk with probing statements, to figure out what kind of person they are. It’s easy to see how they’d react, say, to an emotional outburst, or to a quiet reflection about some deeper topic, but if they seem uninterested or I’m personally uninterested, I keep it very light and easy so that I don’t have to fully commit to a conversation. People love talking about themselves, so I deflect, deflect, deflect until I hit a common ground and go all in on it, and I like to say that there’s a tangible “rapport” that you can feel around people, where you can figure out if they like or dislike you, so you just manipulate it appropriately. Generally, though, after that first or second good conversation, I tend to disappear and it’s probably a bad thing, but it works for me.
    Last edited by Deductive Logic; 03-24-2020 at 05:49 AM. Reason: Spacing

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    IEI. Maybe Ni subtype.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    IEI. Maybe Ni subtype.
    What would you say makes the difference between EIE and IEI for you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by seare825 View Post
    What would you say makes the difference between EIE and IEI for you?
    Energy levels and assertiveness for one. IEI Fe is more flexible and subtle in influencing others. Passivity, avoidance, external calm are all IEI traits.

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    - I think that my values are very much informed by the communities that I’m in, and shift as necessary based on the people that I’m around

    Fe dominant, Fi ignoring. EIE

    - I have terrible self-care habits, and am basically unable to relax, ever, unless it’s goal directed in some way, shape, or form, and my body essentially acts as a machine that I use to get what I want

    Si Polr, rational. EIE

    - I feel at home with my best friend, most of the time. He’s a confirmed LSI, if that helps, and our dynamic is pretty great, in the sense that we instinctively understand each other, are comfortable with one another for prolonged periods of time, and our conversations bounce easily as I draw him into discussion, or he draws me into discussion.

    EIE-LSI duality

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    I was talking to my IEI cousin about her sister, who is quite likely EIE, and she (the IEI) said that she herself spends a huge amount of time thinking about her interactions with other people and why she did or said something or reacted to them the way she did.

    I suggested to her that her EIE sister spent a huge amount of time thinking about her interactions with other people in order to emotionally manipulate them into doing what she wants.

    The IEI thought that this analysis applied perfectly to the two of them, but I think it might be a generalization.

    The IEI seems to me to be a very warm, caring person, and her EIE sister seems to be a blank slate. It is as if anything could be written there.
    The EIE is usually quiet around strangers but controls her five kids utterly, almost like a cult leader might control their flock.
    The EIE has won a state award for being heavily involved with a charity organization. The IEI happily lives alone and works as a dog-sitter.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 03-24-2020 at 12:21 PM.

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    I think EIE.

    and you seem to be in need of Ti more than Se.

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    The questionnaire seems rather biased toward a specific perception. Would this INFp description apply because your wording seems to have a large dose of INFj:

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    This really, really sounds like EII.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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    lots of people are "pretty sure" that they are types they most certainly are not....see my member type lists. i'm the best in the world at assigning people their correct typological member lists demonstrably show that at least half the poeple on the forum over time are mistyped, the other half correctly typed. the half that is mistyped all are probably "pretty sure" they are correctly typed. confirmation bias knows no boudns for these people...

    Some of it is ego the other part is ignorance of the types and the other part comes from misinformation.

    so when i see a title "pretty sure" that don't mean nothing...member questionnaires don't mean a damn thing. tests don't mean a damn thing. tests are majorly flawed because it 1) relies upon self-reporting which is tainted by ego and facilitates cofirmation bias and 2) descriptions about types do not equal distinctions between types. my VI tepmlates for every socionics type and subtype are the best out there. questionnaires are a dime a dozen...anybody can come up with a questionnaire. Valid VI templates for every socionics type and subtype what the Russians have spent decades trying to develop are a whole different story.

    i ain't the 800 pound gorilla in the room for nothing...when you come into this sub-forum for purposs of finding out your true type YOU WILL keep in mind that this is Stackemup Typology country where you are being measured against my VI templates . some people here know my VI templates very well and can type quite competently with them. you're not a beta IEI or EIE unless you can demonstrably show that you VI under Stackemup Typology's roof as any one of the two subtypes for either IEI or EIE. So you're playing the game all wrong. You can do all questionnaires and we havve some anti-VIers who will sfotball you to death hopingz you will validate them back. But if you want to be typed beta NF you need to step into K4M's VI gauntlet (toughest gauntlet in town):

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    Firstly, sorry for responding so late! There were so many responses that I had to parse through them all!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I was talking to my IEI cousin about her sister, who is quite likely EIE, and she (the IEI) said that she herself spends a huge amount of time thinking about her interactions with other people and why she did or said something or reacted to them the way she did.

    I suggested to her that her EIE sister spent a huge amount of time thinking about her interactions with other people in order to emotionally manipulate them into doing what she wants.

    The IEI thought that this analysis applied perfectly to the two of them, but I think it might be a generalization.

    The IEI seems to me to be a very warm, caring person, and her EIE sister seems to be a blank slate. It is as if anything could be written there.
    The EIE is usually quiet around strangers but controls her five kids utterly, almost like a cult leader might control their flock.
    The EIE has won a state award for being heavily involved with a charity organization. The IEI happily lives alone and works as a dog-sitter.
    I'd say I think about emotional situations in both a "why did they do this" but also a bit of a "how can I get them to do what I want?" I don't necessarily like manipulating people, and I suppose outwardly I appear as a warm person, but I definitely can manipulate people when I need to, I just don't prefer it. I'm not an extremely active person, or, at the very least, don't percieve myself as one, so I relate a little more to the IEI description, though that might be influenced by my self-perception as I have been noted to be somewhat manipulative to my friends (i.e. the quintessential Slytherin).

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    The questionnaire seems rather biased toward a specific perception. Would this INFp description apply because your wording seems to have a large dose of INFj:

    a.k.a. I/O
    What sort of perception would this be biased towards? I'm curious to hear - are there any external factors interfering?
    I relate to almost all of the description - it's a bit freaky how close that gets to the essential parts of me. Of course, the Forer/Barnum effect could be interfering so it might be best to confirm somehow to ensure I'm not manipulating the descriptions or something to be more IEI-like than I actually am.

    Quote Originally Posted by COVID 007 View Post
    This really, really sounds like EII.
    I don't think I'm Delta over Beta because I'm fine with Beta humor and most of my friends are either LSIs, SLEs, SEEs, or ExEs. I'd like to ask what made you think EII though - it might be useful in figuring things out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    lots of people are "pretty sure" that they are types they most certainly are not....see my member type lists. i'm the best in the world at assigning people their correct typological member lists demonstrably show that at least half the poeple on the forum over time are mistyped, the other half correctly typed. the half that is mistyped all are probably "pretty sure" they are correctly typed. confirmation bias knows no boudns for these people...

    Some of it is ego the other part is ignorance of the types and the other part comes from misinformation.

    so when i see a title "pretty sure" that don't mean nothing...member questionnaires don't mean a damn thing. tests don't mean a damn thing. tests are majorly flawed because it 1) relies upon self-reporting which is tainted by ego and facilitates cofirmation bias and 2) descriptions about types do not equal distinctions between types. my VI tepmlates for every socionics type and subtype are the best out there. questionnaires are a dime a dozen...anybody can come up with a questionnaire. Valid VI templates for every socionics type and subtype what the Russians have spent decades trying to develop are a whole different story.

    i ain't the 800 pound gorilla in the room for nothing...when you come into this sub-forum for purposs of finding out your true type YOU WILL keep in mind that this is Stackemup Typology country where you are being measured against my VI templates . some people here know my VI templates very well and can type quite competently with them. you're not a beta IEI or EIE unless you can demonstrably show that you VI under Stackemup Typology's roof as any one of the two subtypes for either IEI or EIE. So you're playing the game all wrong. You can do all questionnaires and we havve some anti-VIers who will sfotball you to death hopingz you will validate them back. But if you want to be typed beta NF you need to step into K4M's VI gauntlet (toughest gauntlet in town):
    there's a lot of things going on here but you're right on ego influencing type descriptions. I'll admit i'm curious about how Stackmeup typology "stacks up" to the task especially after you boasted so prettily about your talent. here's a VI pic for you to evaluate? haha.

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    Quote Originally Posted by seare825 View Post
    .........What sort of perception would this be biased towards? I'm curious to hear - are there any external factors interfering?
    It's just an overall impression and nothing I want to spend time analysing; the questionnaire seems to be oriented toward determining F-types and NOT F-types......

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    It's just an overall impression and nothing I want to spend time analysing; the questionnaire seems to be oriented toward determining F-types and NOT F-types......

    a.k.a. I/O
    Hmm...any insight on the IEI vs EIE issue, then? @Rebelondeck

    Also, I figure I should just ping @Adam Strange, @COVID 007 and @Kill4Me to see what they have to say

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    Quote Originally Posted by seare825 View Post here's a VI pic for you to evaluate? haha.
    damn are you from Singapore?

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    Can you put kanye west in there? Or what's kanye west type

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister12 View Post
    Can you put kanye west in there? Or what's kanye west type
    He's a 4D Ne type and probably a Fe valuer, EIE most likely

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    Thank you for your contribution that makes sense but do you think an Fe valuer would put themselves in situations like that that risks their public image? He gets into a lot of arguments

  18. #18
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    #1 focus on nurturing potential of others from objective standpoint [not direct admiration of IEI]
    #2 acceptance of imposed logic of others altough with reservation of being a follower [Ne>Se but in terms of strength not really conclusive]
    #3 adaptation and recognition values of others and community at large and it also leads to ignoring seeing society changeable towards an ideal vision [EIE]
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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    Quote Originally Posted by COVID 007 View Post
    #1 focus on nurturing potential of others from objective standpoint [not direct admiration of IEI]
    #2 acceptance of imposed logic of others altough with reservation of being a follower [Ne>Se but in terms of strength not really conclusive]
    #3 adaptation and recognition values of others and community at large and it also leads to ignoring seeing society changeable towards an ideal vision [EIE]
    Let's see...

    On #1 - I focus on nurturing the potential of others but I'm not sure if I'm totally objective about it, inasmuch as I usually end up applying my idea for what their potential is as opposed to looking at all of the possibilities.
    On #2 - I'm not necessarily a leader, and so I know I'm a follower who admires the traits and qualities of leaders - I've noticed that I'm pretty attracted to powerful and/or forceful people and I either make friends or get together with those types of people. Furthermore, I'm also not interested in Si - it doesn't activate me, it repulses me, which is why I don't think I can be Si/Ne valuing.
    On #3 - I agree with that - I'm good at recognizing the values of others and the community as a whole, but in that way, I'm really bad at recognizing my own values, and applying my own values to a vision of society.

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    @seare825, pick an avatar picture. It will make your posts more identifiable.

  21. #21
    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    @seare825 Another aid in your quest is that IEIs generally don't find what LIIs have to say very helpful unless it confirms what they already believe whereas most EIEs seem to regard LIIs as stabilizing influences. IEIs tend to want what they see as ideal outcomes so search for confirming opinions while EIEs seem to be less disappointed with and more prepared for life's surprises. Along this same vein, most EIEs also seem to be able to live and work with people they don't like whereas IEIs would likely find this unbearably stressful.......

    a.k.a. I/O

  22. #22
    Deductive Logic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    @seare825 Another aid in your quest is that IEIs generally don't find what LIIs have to say very helpful unless it confirms what they already believe whereas most EIEs seem to regard LIIs as stabilizing influences. IEIs tend to want what they see as ideal outcomes so search for confirming opinions while EIEs seem to be less disappointed with and more prepared for life's surprises. Along this same vein, most EIEs also seem to be able to live and work with people they don't like whereas IEIs would likely find this unbearably stressful.......

    a.k.a. I/O
    @Rebeldeck I just realized that I have no LII friends, because all of my friends have been LSI instead - I have a ton of LSI friends whom I value the contributions of greatly, but I’m not really sure if I’ve met or gotten very close with an LII, because any Ti user I meet and become friends with either turns out to be an LSI or an ILE. They seem like they’d be great stabilizing influences in theory, but they also seem like they have their heads way up in the cloud, so I’m not entirely sure how I would react to one.

    I also definitely can work with people I dislike, though it does get annoying. I worked with an LSE girl and she was frustrating to deal with at the best of times, but I managed to still show some semblance of friendliness in order to avoid conflict, so she never even knew I disliked her to begin with. There was also an SLE guy who was lazy and would never pull his weight, and I remember the entire office disliking him (even his own identical!) because he just would not do his work, and I managed to handle that pretty well.

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    Bumping this thread again (sorry!) because even after all of this time I'm still confused in regards to differentiating between EIE and IEI - I know they're supposed to be really obvious in terms of temperament, dual-seeking functions, etc etc etc, but I've gotten so many different opinions and tried to analyze myself so many times that I can't really adjudicate without outside help. A few things I've noticed that I'd like to ask for opinions on to help differentiate my type:

    • I've managed to spend time with both SLEs and LSIs - what I've noticed is that SLEs and I tend to have pretty instant chemistry, and quite a bit of passion, as opposed to the somewhat more boring slow-burn type chemistry I have with LSIs, but my relationships with LSIs are more stable and comfortable in the end once they get going, as opposed to my interactions with SLEs, which are very passionate and exciting, but tend to collapse with nothing to sustain it.

    • Between SLIs and LSEs, I think the type I've broadly had worse experiences with are the LSEs, mostly because they're stubborn and I'm even more stubborn, and the values clash ends up in me complaining that they're too rigid and boring, which seems like it would make sense if it was a conflict relationship. On the other hand, save for one of my SLI friends, I don't think I have enough substantive interactions with SLIs to see conflict, mostly because I end up fleeing out of boredom. LSIs take a little prodding and then they open up, but SLIs will just stare blankly at me when I try to do the same thing. SLIs and LSEs aren't bad, they're just...very one track minded and I feel like even just figuring out which one is my conflict would be of great help.

    In regards to PoLR, Te vs Si tend to elude me - I'm monumentally terrible at both functions, and don't value them at all. They're also both huge blindspot functions for me, which means figuring out which one is the blindspot from my own perspective just does not sound like a good idea, since, from my understanding, PoLR and Role functions seem to do the same thing - only that you notice Role function hits and get angry at them, and become compliant at PoLR hits, so I've complied arguments for both, since it would be a definitive way to distinguish my type.

    • The argument for PoLR Si would probably be my inability to relax and my horrible self-care habits (seriously, I'm typing this at 4 AM after maybe a single meal of pizza for the day and a sleep schedule which seems to be 4 AM to 9 AM and a 4 hour nap in the afternoon), but I'm not exactly a hypochondriac - more so I just end up not taking care of myself and eventually I fall sick or something like that. An argument against is that when I want to, I can keep consistent sleep schedules and eating habits, even if they fall off eventually, and I can "relax", which is to say, do nothing, but with mounting apprehension at the thought of not having a goal, so I'd probably end up doing something like set a goal for a video game I'm playing or finish reading a book I've been wanting to read to force myself to relax.

    • In regards to PoLR Te, I'm gonna be honest, I'm still not entirely sure what it entails, which might be evidence of it existing (?), but if Te PoLR is just an inability to deal with bureaucratic matters, I guess evidence of it would be that it's taken me forever to actually get appropriate bureaucratic paperwork done and if I think there's a way of solving things that work even if it's inefficient, I'll usually do it until my LSI best friend points out it's wrong. On the other hand, a lot of the PoLR Te stereotypes from my limited understanding of it don't seem to fit - I'm not terrible with money, I don't absolutely hate paperwork and Te things and am able to get them done, even if I think they're boring, and I'm not going to be in full out denials of a factual case if a good argument is given to me.
    Last edited by Deductive Logic; 02-10-2021 at 11:30 AM.

  24. #24
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    I get a more EIE > IEI impression from you.

    EIE relative to IEI, have a harder time differentiating self from others, what their actual values are, and are chameleons in a sense.

    IEI in comparison have a more solid grip on their identity.

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