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Thread: My LSI Brother?

  1. #1
    CaptainSwiftsf1's Avatar
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    Default My LSI Brother?

    For fun I’ve been typing my family, but I’ve been getting stumped with one brother. My whole family is VERY Delta/Gamma. IEE (Fi) Mom, SLI (Te) Dad, LSE (Si) sister, SEE (Fi) brother, ILI sister in law, and a possible LSI brother. He’s taken the test before (a long time ago) and got LSI but with a lot of Delta values and his preferred romance style as infantile. So, I’ve been wondering if it’s possible that he may have just gotten the wrong typing and he’s an LII instead? It just seems really messy at first.

    Some context in our lives is that my SEE brother and LSI(?) brother are 11 months apart and have grown up together through most of their lives. They have, and still do, wrestle just at the mere sight of looking at each other playfully. It has helped that my LSI brother has been working as a correctional officer and has bulked up a lot more, so the wrestling is more brute forced. While before, he used to say a lot of things like “it’s all about technique” or “size doesn’t matter, if you have the right angle.” And also, since he has been working as an officer, he’s a lot more mean spirited and aggressive. I’ve always kinda assumed this was just extroverted sending being overstimulated fairly recently. But I’ve also noticed that when he first started dating his SEI wife, she would have him lay on her lap and be gentle. She also would (and still kinda does) baby him at home. He also gets pretty goofy looking and flustered when strong emotion arrives, especially when someone hypes him up with compliments. Example being my SEE brother before they wrestle saying, “woah bro! Look at you! Bulking up dude!” Or even when my mom is being silly saying “aw, so handsome.” He also really likes nerdy things like anime and video games. He has a bunch of posters and statues. His wife is also very into it, so that may be a factor too.

    I just get super conflicted because I know that either way he seems to be the odd one out in the whole family. Even in marrying his wife, they’ve become much more isolated from the whole family. I’ve been trying to make him feel more included. Especially since he knows my SEE brother, and his ILI wife, don’t like his SEI wife. And she doesn’t seem to like them too much either honestly. But at this point, I’m stumped to know if he’s an LSI that’s been getting too much Se stimuli while not getting enough Fe from his wife and family? Or is he an LII that’s been forced to use Se his whole life without really valuing it and it’s getting out of hand? I remember reading or hearing somewhere that LIIs can use Se also, but when they do it’s “for blood.” I could be wrong though. I just worry about him a lot because I’m not sure if it’s too healthy either way? Perhaps this is just a noticeable shift of him accepting more Beta values and me just not understanding?

  2. #2
    Ryan's Avatar
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    LIIs don't generally seek that kind of work environment.

    she would have him lay on her lap
    This is not what infantile romance style looks like. I can't stress this enough. This is power play.

    LSI can be nerds too. Look at the guy in this video.

  3. #3
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I have such a hard time imagining an LII wanting to wrestle.

  4. #4
    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    Although I did once win a wrestling competition while at university and was very athletic my entire life, I cannot see myself or any LII being content as a correctional officer; that job seems more LSI and perhaps SLI oriented. A SEI/LXI marriage has to be somewhat bumpy unless the SEI is a total wimp; I wouldn't expect a correctional officer to be a wimp. As well, I would think that a SEI could get along reasonably well with a ILI; perhaps she's influenced by the SEE.....

    a.k.a. I/O

  5. #5
    CaptainSwiftsf1's Avatar
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    A thing I forgot to mention is he is a corrections officer just because his father in law made him do it in order to marry his daughter. He was also a correctional officer. My brother didn’t seek it out himself. BUT I thank you for input. It’s been really helpful.

  6. #6
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Sounds like a LSI-Se, he might be in enneagram head triad with the nerdy preferences, like a 6w7 or a 6w5.

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