Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
+ What Te-PoLR hits looks like for me:

For eg: An LIE acquaintance was looking for extra info on train ticket refunds. They asked me about some unusual case.

I basically rarely ever think about these kinds of practicalities unless there is an immediate need. So:
a/ it's 50:50 whether I have that info in storage somewhere,
b/ my info will be limited to my particular case or the principles I gleaned at the time,
c/ I don't have much practice thinking through the chains of consequences for this stuff. I can do it, but it's grainy bootleg 70s footage and may miss some major potential problems.

I'm perfectly capable of planning train journeys and getting refunds, I just don't... think about it, or plan how to MaXimISe dA mOnEy. I just don't, because my method is to throw something together that doesn't seem too expensive and gets me from A to B, and then leave it at 'good enough.' I make sketches, not oil portraits.

So, being put on the spot, my instinct is to briefly sift through my bank of experience, make an educated sketch of some principles that might help make the decision and spit that out. However, my sketch is not that high-res unless I've needed to deal with the problem a lot, and it usually doesn't have much to add compared to a Te-ego's efficient sift through that same info. So it feels a bit pointless, and sometimes I abbreviate the whole thing to a vague confused shrug.

I don't feel too bad about it*, but it's pretty clear that I have little to contribute to the topic -- in the form of information useful/detailed enough for them -- and that I'm frankly not going to make an effort to improve significantly. My daily trains of thoughts just don't naturally range in that area, and I have limited interest in studying The Art Of Logistics, useful as it may be. My occasional mistakes feel like an acceptable price to pay.

It's worth noting I definitely catch physical details that the LIE misses ('cause their hyper-efficiency doesn't pay attention to where the jar of salt went), so that balances things out a bit.

*sometimes a bit self-conscious about being out of my depth, for sure, or feeling like a 'comparatively incompetent person'
Just so you know, I think of IEI and ILI as wizards with Ni, so I am very happy consulting you on stuff, and it's prolly so easy for you you forget how helpful it is.