Most times, I don't feel hit by Ti-Polr as much as incredibly drained. Being told that I'm stupid doesn't really do anything, I can just retort with Te. Ti-drain situations:

- having to justify something I did when I don't remember the reason
- "let's go through your report point by point to analyse your reasoning together"
- having to figure out who is who and who is responsible for what in organised groups
- trying to figure out what is "too much to ask", what my "obligations" are, etc...
- trying to figure out what someone really thinks. Why don't you just say it?
- living with someone who will not change his mind; being in a continual debate state about BS

Real Ti hits:
- being accused of dishonesty or bullied when disrespecting rules I didn't know existed(mostly by SLE and LSI)
- telling my opinion about a specific fact and being told "that's not what you really think" or other invalidating comments(btw, I have no clue of what I "really think" most of times)
- having to adapt to rules even when my situation doesn't fit into their assumptions; being punished otherwise

Quote Originally Posted by Hux View Post
Does anyone know how to deal with your weakest function effectively?
Nice ressources: here and here