Well first off I think having an external, logic objective polr is a bit different than a feeler-y personal one. So I'm not sure I agree that with every polr its something ur insecure about necessarily but it still bites you in the ass regardless, the way a boulder falling on you is damaging to you no matter how confident you are about anything...(it might seem like the person is being 'insecure' to others tho)

Actually a therapist I had once told me (pretty accurately I think) that my problem in life was that I was TOO care-free and laid back and not stressed enough like I was supposed to be, that I needed to be me more uptight and serious and heterosexual basically - but I just wasn't and it was hard to force myself to be this way despite so many ppl trying to turn me into that way. they would say 'don't laugh at that' when an ESTp said something immature or something but I would laugh at it anyway? I think polr is probably like that. My polr anyway, maybe.

It was kind of ironic and parodoxical because I was seeing a therapist in order to stop anxiety issues not to create them- but my refusal to get worked up over anything trolled too many ppl. I also was chastised once for being too calm when a person lost their finger- like I was a sociopath for not freaking out about somebody losing a body part? Maybe they wondered would I act the same way if it was their heart or brain and not a finger (I don't think I would) Idk... maybe I am just creepy.