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Thread: Effect of vision problems and other sensory issues on development of S elements

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    Default Effect of vision problems and other sensory issues on development of S elements

    I mentioned this in a recent post* and I wanted to ask a full question about it.

    I don't want to go too much into medical details and I won't say more if asked.

    Since birth, I've had problems with my vision due to eye conditions that I was born with. I was not allowed to have correction until age 12 due to my parents' beliefs. Usually, children can have it at age 2-3. The conditions, as well as the delay, undoubtedly negatively impacted early development of my Si and Se. Even with correction, because I also have difficulties with focusing my eyes, I find it difficult to stay focused on my surroundings for more than a few minutes at a time. So my S functions never had a chance to fully develop even after age 12.

    I also have other sensory issues due to a condition that affects my nerves and my hearing (the hearing part is relatively minor on its own). It's hard to focus on bodily sensations when you are missing a lot of them or when you often get phantom sensations that aren't indicative of real sense impressions.

    Because of these conditions, my sense perceptions are physically inhibited. My S functions seem weak and unrefined when I describe them in text, such as in a questionnaire. But I don't believe that they are truly weak or unrefined; they just lack the fullness and richness one would expect from an S type because they're inhibited from a lifetime of not being able to bloom due to physical limitations. Moreover, it's evident to me from self-observation that my Ni and Ne are truly weak, devalued, and barely conscious at the best of times, suggesting that these are my inherently weak functions. Moreover, I find it really difficult to engage in Ni or Ne, whereas I'm engaging in Si/Se basically all the time, it's just that the information they're learning is not as rich as it could be.

    I'm curious if anyone can quantify the effect of sensory problems (of any kind, not just the ones I experience) on development of S elements? Or if anyone has similar experiences?


    *For context, these issues came up here because I often struggle to decipher lines of text between which there is not much gap or contrast. The default font here is fine, I can manage, but a user had used a different font when replying to me and I had some trouble with the different font. I also struggle to read smaller fonts, but I can use the zoom features to get around that as much as possible. But if the contrast is not good or some unusual fonts are used then I can't zoom my way around it.

  2. #2
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redundantoxymoron View Post
    Moreover, it's evident to me from self-observation that my Ni and Ne are truly weak, devalued, and not very conscious at the best of times, suggesting that these are my inherently weak functions.
    So it’s evident to you, but not to anyone else yet. Provide evidence.

    In summary, in your above post you’re saying that you think your intuitive IEs are weak, but your sensing IEs are much weaker.

    The end result of your development—who you are—is your personality. Yes it’s possible that some key events helped shaped that. But especially if you’re 35+, your brain and basic personality have been pretty much set.

    The IEs and dimensionality are correlated to actual strengths and weaknesses, not just hypothetical ones.

  3. #3
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Imo "sensing" in socionics/Jung is a technical term not so much about the sense organs but more about experiencing something in a concrete way, either the object or the subject side of reality. So I wouldnt link it directly to your problems.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    S and N represent two perspectives (a sort of filter) on input; all input from all senses, however limited, adopts one of these preferences (either an absolute or relative view of data in general). The only difference between Si and Se is the configuration of the information control system. One cannot switch any of the previously mentioned at will; one is only free to try to compensate for what one lacks by using the tools that one already possesses. Sensory limitations do not impede the development of cognitive perspectives or preferences because no development is required; they simply exist. Many people talk about the development of IEs but they aren't really items that can be improved; they can only be used - and day-to-day experience (that's surely constrained by one's IEs) is acquired......

    a.k.a. I/O
    Last edited by Rebelondeck; 03-19-2020 at 11:05 AM.

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    There are sensing types with all sort of serious ailments in their bodies.

    They can be clumsy but not really due to attentional reasons when it comes to information. Like dropping things because body does not send signals right way vs being preoccupied with something else.

    I have visual problems but I also have very little attention.
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