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Thread: Short questionnaire to help type me

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    AeonsWhisper's Avatar
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    Default Short questionnaire to help type me


    I could use some help with my type. I've been studying the system for some time now, and I've narrowed the possibilities down to three types that are most likely (two of them fit more than the third). I don't want to disclose my own guesses right now, to avoid biasing anyone.

    I filled the short questionnaire (the one with 21 questions), which can be accessed by the link:

    If you have any other questions that could help clarify the IMEs that I value and dimensionality, please ask them.

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Pretty clearly NT.

    I'd say Gamma over Alpha, because while you do mention biology as an interest, which is borderline Ti (Chemistry is full Ti), you also mentioned Astronomy and an interest in Power. But this is a tossup.

    ILI vs LIE is close, but if you are under 24 or so, I'd say LIE. While you seem pretty passive with respect to interacting with other people, you did mention that one of the things you prefer is to actually DO stuff, and that's LIE over ILI.

    If you don't think you are LIE, then I'd say that LII is a second possibility. So, to differentiate between the two, an LIE does things to increase his money and an LII does things to increase his reputation. Which, fundamentally would you prefer? To be poor and well-known, or to be unknown but have a good surplus of cash? Would you rather work just hard enough to meet your minimum needs and be comfortable, or would you prefer to work hard and be well-rewarded for that work?

  3. #3
    AeonsWhisper's Avatar
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    I'd never really considered LII, because I don't think I am Se PoLR. Actually, after I discarded the possibility of SLI, all the types I considered were Gamma or Beta.

    But, to answer your questions:

    My priorities are sort of in an in between right now, maybe they are about to change. I've always wanted to become a teacher at an university, which depending on the case can pay really well, compared to other jobs. But that's a very long term plan. Nowadays I've been considering leaving academia after getting my master's degree, or even Phd and working with intellectual property (with which I worked for half an year), because it will pay much better than academia in a shorter period of time. I'm still waiting to decide on that, though. I'd say that at first, prestige over money, but now it seems that those are shifting and I wouldn't be surprised if I started to prioritize money over most things in the coming years. I do not yet.

    I think I'd rather work hard and be well rewarded, because I can't see myself simply saying "oh I'm comfortable with this, I think I'll stop here."

  4. #4
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AeonsWhisper View Post
    I'd never really considered LII, because I don't think I am Se PoLR. Actually, after I discarded the possibility of SLI, all the types I considered were Gamma or Beta.

    But, to answer your questions:

    My priorities are sort of in an in between right now, maybe they are about to change. I've always wanted to become a teacher at an university, which depending on the case can pay really well, compared to other jobs. But that's a very long term plan. Nowadays I've been considering leaving academia after getting my master's degree, or even Phd and working with intellectual property (with which I worked for half an year), because it will pay much better than academia in a shorter period of time. I'm still waiting to decide on that, though. I'd say that at first, prestige over money, but now it seems that those are shifting and I wouldn't be surprised if I started to prioritize money over most things in the coming years. I do not yet.

    I think I'd rather work hard and be well rewarded, because I can't see myself simply saying "oh I'm comfortable with this, I think I'll stop here."
    Gamma, then.

    Your shift in priorities is why I asked your approximate age. This happened to me around age 25.

    Your avatar picture, which you just added, of a solitary female researcher manipulating the world with her mind in a study in black and white, and your name, AeonsWhisper or Time-Advice, are more Ni than Te, and so I’d say you are ILI.

    I assume that the Beta type you considered was IEI. Let me say, I have a lot of ILI and IEI friends and have dated females of both types, and you are much more likely to be ILI, since your entire orientation seems to be towards facts and logic.

    Incidentally, one of the highest earners I knew after college was a patent attorney with degrees in engineering and in law.

    Just saying.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 03-16-2020 at 12:02 PM.

  5. #5
    AeonsWhisper's Avatar
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    Never considered any Fe ego type. The Beta that I thought I could be was LSI.
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  6. #6
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AeonsWhisper View Post
    Never considered any Fe ego type. The Beta that I thought I could be was LSI.

    When I read that you considered LSI to be a possibility, I did a head slap. And then I re-read your questionnaire. And while I think your logic could be close to that of an LSI, and your interest in epidemiology and biology leans towards Ti, you stated that you don't like drama. I'll take that to mean the you don't appreciate Fe. So I still think you are probably ILI.

    One additional small thing. Almost every LSI chooses an avatar picture that is black, and white, with some little or great amount of red in it. ILI's almost always choose black and white avatar pictures. Yours has that yellow-orange flame, but it still looks ILI to me.

    Not very scientific, is this?

    Have you tried taking the test at And do you think your Erotic Attitude is Aggressor or Victim?

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