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Thread: Dermatillomania linked to Si?

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    Rusal's Avatar
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    Default Dermatillomania linked to Si?

    Are dermatillomania and trichotillomania linked to Si ego types? From experience alone, I believe they might be.

    Excoriation disorder is defined as "repetitive and compulsive picking of skin which results in tissue damage". Its most official name had been "dermatillomania"

    A pair of studies published in 2017 and 2018 were the first to report that individuals with BFRBs have higher rates of sensory over-responsivity to external sensations than the general population. In other words, they respond intensely to things like sounds and textures.
    “It would appear that pulling might therefore be an external attempt on the part of a genetically prone individual to regulate an internal state of sensory imbalance,” he writes.

    According to this model, a person with a BFRB is exposed to the same levels of environmental stimulation as others, but their nervous system is unable to easily manage it. “It is as if the person is standing in the centre of a seesaw, or on a high-wire, with overstimulation on one side, and understimulation on the other, and must lean in either direction (by pulling) at different times, to remain balanced,” he writes.


    On that thought, I’ll say Si could also be involved in the development of more temporary afflictions such as pica as well as in habits like rubbing certain fabrics repeatedly. An offshoot from the same inclination: petting cats or dogs in a special way (and often intrusively) because of an obsession with their fur (poor souls).

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    I would guess it is linked to low-dimensional, mental Si. I understand the point about "individuals with BFRBs have higher rates of sensory over-responsivity to external sensations than the general population" suggests the affected individuals have strong Si or S in general; but I would suggest it's actually weak, but mental Si over which the person has become neurotic, which leads to the over-responsiveness.

    That's just my guess, though. I think your initial guess of this being linked to Si egos is also plausible. And Si egos still have mental Si, so it's possible to become neurotic then, too.

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    I need to have my blood taken periodically. Because of medical treatment, my veins are mush. So they told me it'd be a good idea to manipulate a stress ball for some days prior to the extraction to bring them out. That bugger didn't even last a week with me. I couldn’t resist tearing it to pieces, so good the texture and ripping it felt. When I was younger I would step on pieces of concrete, hard, the sound the smell they gave out when turning into dust so exhilarating. I still catch myself doing that from time to time. I’ve also experienced the intense desire to eat earth, flour, rolled washing cloth and cement and bite deep into wool, because the smell and shape of them gave a strong impression of their taste to me. I actually went through a period of eating chalk. I believe these are some examples of how “ensory over-responsivity to external sensations” can present themselves, plus the obligatory "my clothes feel funny" argument which is mentioned in the article and has been used countless times to exemplify strong Si. Dermatillomania sounds like an extension of the same+ anxiety.

    The case of pica is interesting. Sometimes it can be an external manifestation of an individual’s lack of minerals in the system and anemia. A couple of months after my irrational chalk-eating phase I was hospitalized and, what do you know, I was diagnosed with anemia. I wonder if the desire to compensate with non-nutritious food appears indistinctively or if it is more likely to surface in individuals who have a deeper relationship to o texture or imagined flavours (strong sensory imagination) so the need to ingest these substances is more aptly signalled by the brain.
    Last edited by Rusal; 03-19-2020 at 08:08 AM.

  4. #4
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    I have this. and my finger chewing isn't entirely related to physical sensation. But because the way the skin is already cracked and split bothers me, both the physical sensation and the physical appearance. So I engage in the counterproductive project of fixing the problem by chewing my fingers into having less bothersome, prickly wounds. To smooth them out. The fact that this will just make the problem worse is the furthest thing from my mind while I'm doing it.

    Story of my life really, so if it can be typed it would mean something

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    I have read that it can be a symptom of body dysmorphic disorder (people often have both disorders at the same time). And I have experienced both (skin picking and likely body dysmorphic disorder). I also have relatively high anxiety. And had acne as a teen. And grew up around ESE mother who seemed to have a fixation on female beauty (also would say not so nice things about my appearance when we argued). Therapist said that my mother’s mistake was that she didn’t apologise about saying these things. I guess she didn’t really realise she needed to :/

    Of course, I did not feel like I could go to my mother about the ‘image’ related problems I experienced..this is how it seemed at the time.

    Could also be connected to recreational drug use I believe. (It can replicate the anxiety-less state one finds themselves in when high). Even though if is a very different feeling to being high.

    Everything is connected
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 04-01-2021 at 08:12 PM.

  6. #6
    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    I do a lot of stimming which involves touching a mole on my collarbone. I don't pick to where I hurt my skin.

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    it's neurotic harming own body. more chance it's more met among Ni types

    > From experience alone, I believe they might be.

    This needs significant number of people with different and correctly identified types, to say about types predispositions based on an experience. Not a couple of case, especially with common accuracy problem.

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    SlytherinPower's Avatar
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    I have trichotillomania, but I've finally got a pretty good hold on it after 2-3 yrs struggling. I also used to bite around my nails really bad. I used to pick at my scalp as a kid too.

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    I've never picked my skin but I understand the fidgetiness and wanting to tear things apart just for the sensation. Weirdly enough, I've seen a lot of dogs endlessly eat at their leg until the skin is showing through and raw.
    I can't put my finger on what this is besides a preoccupation with sense due to grooming instincts gone wrong. There's a lot of things mixed in with this, like wanting to take a "complete breath" like breathe as deeply as possible to elicit a flood of satisfaction or to scratch an itch endlessly to make it go away (but of course it just gets worse). So we are kind of like abusing feedback circuits that begin with triggers ingrained with us by pressing the lever like a rat that has learned how to get food

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    Skin picking started as a habit, and turned into a compulsion/addiction. It’s under control now. I’m just more aware now if I do it, and don’t feel like it’s in control of me. Don’t feel worried about it as a problem anymore.

    I found that the longer you do it for, the deeper you are pulled into the hypnotic state it produces..the harder it is to stop. Doing it kind of made me go deeper into my thoughts, thoughts were ‘louder’ and a bit more abstract. Sometimes, there were no thoughts. But with an awareness that there were no thoughts (?) I’m not really sure why I was compelled to achieve this state. Probably to escape the lack of control I felt in my life, or deeply buried unhappiness and disappointment. To be more in touch with my body.

    After doing it I guess I felt a bit lighter or something. Probably have less anxiety after but it’s not something I really noticed that much. I don’t think I ever really notice anxiety that much :s It comes over me unexpectedly or it’s there in the background. But I think what might happen with picking, is you end up with dysregulated anxiety levels, slightly up and down all the time.

    @thistle I’m e9 btw (946)
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 04-02-2021 at 04:05 PM.

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    I remember seeing this thread a while back and wanted to comment but didn’t have time...mental wandering brought me here, so bump lol

    My #3 kid has trich. When she was around 3 she pulled her hair out until she was completely bald.
    eventually I got her to stop, but I notice with these things, once you get rid of one habit, it seems to migrate. Now instead of pulling out her hairs, she chews on the ends of it.

    ive heard it’s largely genetic and an OCD thing. I have been diagnosed with OCD myself and used to pull my hair out too, but not that bad. Mine migrated to picking at my scalp, to chewing the inside of my cheek. I thought she probably gets it from me. It seems pretty genetic in our case, especially since I noticed my #4 & 2 year old starting to pull out her hair. Fortunately it didn’t escalate because I knew what I was dealing with and managed to nip it in the bud. But now, instead, she picks at her lips and fingers...

    My #3 is pretty Beta extrovert like. I think she could be EIE-C. She’s 9, so I’m not going to say with certainty.

    But anyway, I don’t think Si has anything to do with it imo, other than maybe ignoring it/not valuing it.
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    Yeah I don't think skin picking is linked to either Si using or weak Si. I bite the skin around my fingers absentmindedly when hungry which unfortunately leads to bleeding. Not always does a Si type notice every single little sensation or is fully aware that they are doing some movement. My boyfriend who has weak but valued Si has the same problem of chewing his fingers, but mostly his nails.

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    Hm my dad used to drink a lot, so maybe I could link the addiction aspect of it to that. Also I was a thumb sucker as a little one and have always bitten my nails. I can’t drink that much alcohol but my siblings drink quite a bit.
    @aster yep if I had a kid I would feel well-equipped to dealing with any stuff like this I passed on

    My parents are not the most emotionally-sensitive or emotionally aware people and I don’t think they taught us how to manage our emotions. They are ESE and SLI so a lot of si I guess. I see my SEE aunt (who has her own probs) with her daughters and they are so open about their feelings and self image and really support each other. It’s really nice to see.

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    Hey, I have this, ain't that fun. No, it's probably not Si related. Si probably would be like why are you doing that, it's not healthy, causes pain, and I don't understand.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    Unsure of my type, but I was wondering the same thing as I'm currently struggling with this. I think I've always had a skin picking problem, but it's only gotten worse due to struggles with anxiety and deep negative feelings in the past two years.

    Seems that this isn't IM related though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xXShadowFairyXx View Post
    Unsure of my type, but I was wondering the same thing as I'm currently struggling with this. I think I've always had a skin picking problem, but it's only gotten worse due to struggles with anxiety and deep negative feelings in the past two years.

    Seems that this isn't IM related though.
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    I have noticed not exactly trichotillomania but sorta compulsive hair-related behaviours in my ILI dad. Like running his hands through his hair over and over and over while being engrossed in something like watching a movie or thinking. Probably some sort of pacifying behaviour. In fact any hair-related stuff would be related to pacifying/calming down. Some people just explode in anger or emotion to calm down, perhaps introverts are more likely to reduce tension through pacifying/repetitive motions.

    I don't really see any patterns between temperament and compulsive behaviours like this. I can think of relaxed and nervous/anxious examples of every temperament.

    Well there's a phenomenon which I associate to Si types (and sometimes Si-seeking) which sounds very similar but isn't quite the same: Trichophilia (hair fetish). This one SEI liked to run her fingers through my hair like I'm a dog (and I very much enjoy that lol ). I enjoy stroking/sniffing hair as well . Other Si types I met seemed to have a weird fixation with hair. Like Si dudes going absolutely nuts when finding out they were going bald. Or Si valuers playing with their hair more often. Oh and one IEE I met had the longest hair I'd ever seen in a woman. Like all the way down to her butt. My SLI friend (a guy sporting a ponytail) was madly in love with her lol

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    I had some more issues with this in recent months. It’s so embarrassing but I think it’s something that might come back once in a while, for whatever reason. I wanted to use this thread to check in with myself about it in a few days. I don’t talk to anyone about it and I live by myself so it can be tricky to deal with. The main issue is..just stopping. Once your skin is healed the temptation disappears (or decreases to a manageable level). But if it’s half’s hard to not touch it. Even just a little bit can keep it from healing. So yeah, I need to check in with myself in a day or two and hopefully get this under control. It’s obviously bad for my skin but I worry that my emotions get dysregulated too by doing it. I don’t wanna call a therapist at the moment because it’ll be slow and time consuming and confusing. So please excuse me if I make a couple of posts here

    i might be able to look into some online support/therapy through my work..

    Edit: going ok but need to be more careful
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 07-15-2022 at 02:50 AM.

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