Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
........... I was speaking of obedience and deference to authority. And about lack of assertiveness in the face of abuse & lack of discipline in terms of how EIIs try to have discipline for themselves sure, but they can't enforce it for others like ESIs can.
All Ijs tend to defer to authorities, regulations and or any other sources of stability - I've seen copies of the four types in enforcement roles. The ESIs that I've worked with tended to threaten by playing psychological games where EIIs seemed to become outright bullies and could tolerate confrontation a lot better than ESIs. EIIs also tended to be closet rebels who occasionally get on soapboxes and let it all hang out while more than a few ESIs seemed to be secretive (perhaps a little more unsure or insecure?), but both types were known to blow gaskets and overreact in some confrontations. In office politics, I'd bet on EIIs because they tended to focus on the big picture and cover all their bases whereas many ESIs often didn't look beyond their noses.....

a.k.a. I/O