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Thread: Boosting your immune System

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    now with Corona Virus Protozoa's Avatar
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    Default Boosting your immune System

    What's the best way to boost the immune system? Given the whole Corona Virus thing going on, I've been wondering a good way to boost your resistance to disease. Right now I'm trying to get enough sleep and keep some kind of routine and taking vitamins and occasionally vitamin C; though I hear vitamin C taken orally doesn't do much, but intravenously can supposedly help when sick, and anally probably doesn't work at all (who wants to try?).
    previously Megadoodoo

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    say i love u everyday <3

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    Sleep and rest is good, yes. In certain phases of sleep, our bodies go through "cleaning" cycles. More ideas off the top of my head:

    - Light to moderate exercise. I think I would suggest working with a trainer for the more intense stuff, because it can be hard on your body if it's too much. But movement is one of the primary ways our lymph system (the garbage disposal service) moves, since it doesn't have its own pump.
    - Vitamin D, ideally through sun exposure, but supplementation can help, too. There's increasing research demonstrating its importance in supporting not only bone health but the immune responses.
    - Vitamin A seems to have been helpful in treating people with a number of illnesses, including this novel coronavirus, so I would think that making sure you're consuming a good amount ahead of time would be good. One of the most bioavailable (easiest for your body to process) forms is in liver.
    - Other vitamins and minerals, like zinc and selenium (found in things like nuts).
    - Eating nutrient dense foods, which tend to contain the most helpful combinations of those vitamins and minerals - veggies, fruits, whole legumes and grains, grass-fed animals / animal products, etc. For example, I think getting Vitamin C via produce like strawberries or bell peppers will probably be more effective than pills.
    - Elderberries (cooked, and don't eat the seeds/stems/leaves 'cause cyanide) have been touted as being able to help prevent respiratory viral replication, so it's a helpful preventative.
    - Reducing stress, however that looks for you
    - Breathing fresh air, keeping indoor air clean
    - Reducing exposure to toxins, including mold, which can severely depress the immune system
    - Sweating in moderation, helps eliminate the "bad stuff" though as I learned recently it's possible to overdo...
    - Liver and kidney supportive things, like good hydration and avoiding alcohol
    - As ooo indicated, connecting with people <3

    There's actually a lot we can do, so much so that sometimes I feel overwhelmed, lol. But it's also empowering, too.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    btw, I'd like to warn people from buying all the supplements that are being hyped lately. it's easy to sell people some hope when they're scared.

    my uncle bought some super expensive vitamin C from Germany some days ago, a pack= 25 euros, when in here I can get one at the supermarket at 2.50 E. obviously his one was German and has ascorbic acid in it, not normal vit C...( I wanted to tell him they're the same thing but was bothered to hurt his feelings)

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    Ascorbic acid is just a different name for Vitamin C. Chemical it's the same stuff.
    High dose of Vitamin C are usually useless, for healthy people.

    Vitamin D is an other supplement that boosts the immune system. In summer the body can generate Vitamin D on it's own, but in winter the human body can't.

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    now with Corona Virus Protozoa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    say i love u everyday <3
    One time I said that and I broke out into hives and my body swelled with a severe allergic reaction. I had to inject myself with an EpiPen, but luckily I had one lying around for my shellfish allergies. Just anecdotal, but I think "I love yous" cause my body to panic.

    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    High dose of Vitamin C are usually useless, for healthy people.
    Well, look up intravenous Vitamin C. It's not only been known to help fight cancer, but supposedly does help the immune system during an infection (and supposedly the Chinese used it on Corona Virus and saw the same results). But taking it orally, not enough gets absorbed into the blood.
    previously Megadoodoo

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    It's actually pretty damn simple and obvious. The fact that even though the basic bitch knowledge that Vitamin C (and D if you're really intelligent) is good for you failed to drain those resources as quickly as it managed to drain eggs, lettuce, milk, TP, and well any and all things that go bad pretty damn quickly and/or have nothing to do with what Corona-Chan will do to you if you manage to get infected with her "love" well...

    Like I keep on saying, the average person is a dumbass barely worthy of being considered sentient. I mean fuck, this "plague" kills by flooding your lungs with fluid. TP ain't gonna save you from lethal levels of lung phlegm. I swear, I must be one of the few humans blessed with common sense on this front. Damned fucking idiots dooming us all...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Protozoa View Post
    Well, look up intravenous Vitamin C.
    Well, I'd limited my pov to self medication.
    Intravenous application of Vitamines isn't suited for self application. You need an qualified medical person to do that, at least you should do so.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Protozoa View Post
    What's the best way to boost the immune system? Given the whole Corona Virus thing going on, I've been wondering a good way to boost your resistance to disease.
    Allium sativum

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    - Calm down
    - Keep hydrated - lemon water is a good bet
    - Fresh fruits and vegetables - eat something raw every day
    - Probiotics
    - Garlic, onlons, ginger — fermented kimchi or sauerkraut are great and also probiotic
    - As others have said, natural vitamin C from fresh fruits or vegetables
    - Do what feels good and get your heart rate up a bit every day
    - Rest enough
    - Wash hands when you get home, and shower daily / be hygienic. Don’t overdo alcohol/chlorine/bleach.

    What makes my immune system really good really fast, is fresh citrus fruits, raw onion/garlic and raw egg, and some probiotics like yogurt and kimchi, in my daily diet. Also other quality animal products and vegetables. You should be able to physically feel the vitality.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Allium sativum
    And your aim is really to protect yourself from viruses, not from vampires?

    There is an other way to protect yourself from viruses...but...

    norton-antivirus-cd-compact-disc-face-mask-corona-virus-protection.jpg won't work that way... because...

    the virus data base is out of date.

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    boost by eating well, take vitamins, exercise, good sleep etc etc

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    SHADOW BOXING. I been shadow boxing a lot up and down the hallway in my apartment from the KITCHEN TO THE BEDROOM. Jab jab jab step forward.
    Then I'll run it back and throw a jab right and then keep doing them until I come up to the closet door. Then JAB RIGHT LEFT BOOM UPPERCUT RIGHT UPPERCUT LEFT. I'll just run that back and forth for a good time. Majority of time though is keeptrying to maintain income flow, got 40-50 things right now when this shit borke I was on top of the mountain and ain't about to let this shit knock me off. but yeah I been finding time to keep conditioning and shit and some boxing mixed in with...I might throw some karate shit in there from when I was kid....instead of throwing Jabs and rights and lefts shit I used to knock people out with I'll does karate chop, back fist, a karate fight style...JUST TO GET THE BLOOD FLOWING. There's some outdoor shit, got b-ball court and tennis court sand baseball field stone throw from me....SHIT I SUED TO DO WHEN I WAS A KID and then just do fckin side to side movements in big circle in the EMPTY living room throwin' punches n shit cuz when i moved here, it was basically a cunning maneuver,,,,i made the move all of a sudden (well it was a strategic maneuver from mind of nasty, schemin' reprobate hehe) from antoher state long ass story n shit don't have time to goes into right now but basically only shit we took was clothes, she took all her plates and shit, bathroom stuff, but all the shit i left there and l ike that "HES GONE". KEYSEr Soze motherfckin' disappearing act. Big battle of willz as she wanted to go back to get it and I want to get all new shit. then the coronavirus bullshit aside from a foldable little mattress for a bed I got just a big ass empty space but I'm a survivor motherfucker from way back, 1000 mile island nucelar fallout wars and shit I AM MADE FOR HARD LIVING, used to smashes trees with my fist like I was boxing pillows. refridgerrator come with it...aside from i bought her an 800 dollar computer and an 1100 ALLINONE DESKtop whcih is like a TV. so its good open sapce for shadow boxing and doesing movements that requires lots psace but man when I start shadow boxing lot I'm dying to fck somebody up ....
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 03-31-2020 at 03:51 AM.

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    Probiotics and iodine. Everything else like exercise and vitamin C seems obvious in theory even if people forget, but probiotics and iodine aren't obvious. For probiotics I would just eat some Greek yogurt, non-Greek yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, or something with Ganeden BC30 (bacillus coagulans is probably the main probiotic you need to consume if you've had digestive issues or used antibiotics ever, so get the best version,) and for iodine I'd just use iodized salt if you don't live somewhere with a lot of available seafood.

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    Vitamin D plays a large role in hemopotesis and and what the stem cell that forms eventually becomes. For example, it's been shown that Vitamin D has a been role in what hematopoietic stem cells differentiate into. As a result, Vitamin D is very important in regulating the immune system. It's been shown that vitamin D affects both the Myeloid outcomes and the Lymphoid outcomes. Now vitamin C does play a role in the immune system such as increasing the number of B lymphocytes and as a result a higher potential in finding the right result combination from V(D)J recombination, or by regulating immune function through Tet2 activity. The thing is, most people have plenty of vitamin C. Taking extra Vitamin C probably won't matter(maybe if you took a liposomal form you may get slight benefits. IV Vitamin C puts a high concentration in your blood, but it falls pretty quickly, and there are risks of side effects with it. More than likely extra Vitamin C won't help you much at all cause most people aren't deficient.. maybe a little. Vitamin D on the other hand is something that quite a few people are deficient in. If you are old or a smoker you may be vitamin C deficient, but most people aren't
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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    say i love u everyday <3
    Interestingly enough, I saw an article about gene expression the other day that said that loneliness will down-regulate the part of the immune system that handles viral infections so that it can use those resources to fight bacteria instead... since your body knows that viral infections are more likely to pass from person to person. So, yeah...

    Since watching people talk on YouTube in the morning can help set your circadian rhythm when irl people aren't around, I suppose it could work to up your viral defenses too. Lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hitta View Post
    Vitamin D plays a large role in hemopotesis and and what the stem cell that forms eventually becomes. For example, it's been shown that Vitamin D has a been role in what hematopoietic stem cells differentiate into. As a result, Vitamin D is very important in regulating the immune system. It's been shown that vitamin D affects both the Myeloid outcomes and the Lymphoid outcomes. Now vitamin C does play a role in the immune system such as increasing the number of B lymphocytes and as a result a higher potential in finding the right result combination from V(D)J recombination, or by regulating immune function through Tet2 activity. The thing is, most people have plenty of vitamin C. Taking extra Vitamin C probably won't matter(maybe if you took a liposomal form you may get slight benefits. IV Vitamin C puts a high concentration in your blood, but it falls pretty quickly, and there are risks of side effects with it. More than likely extra Vitamin C won't help you much at all cause most people aren't deficient.. maybe a little. Vitamin D on the other hand is something that quite a few people are deficient in. If you are old or a smoker you may be vitamin C deficient, but most people aren't
    4000 species of mammal produce their own vitamin C from glucose, and their bodies will crank up production of it up to a hundred times when ill. Humans don't, we have to eat it. I think that's enough to make you suspicious. Illness causes the body to consume so much vitamin C that it can induce scurvy...

    Considering that the average person only has about 4 grams of vitamin C stored at any point, and that a goat is out there producing 13 grams a day when healthy, 130grams or (much) more when ill, it's easy to suspect that supplements don't work because they come in teensy tiny doses by comparison. The chewables I have here are only 300mg (don't get these, they damage your teeth).

    Vitamin C is really safe to supplement, so why not.

    Get enough sleep. Around 8 hours.

    Make sure your body is well nourished, get enough exercise, but not too much.

    There are other things like zinc supplements, which are being considered as an adjunct to chloroquine, but I feel like that's not going to matter if all you eat is doughnuts and get no magnesium/vitamin D/ Vitamin A/ etc. in your diet. Eat healthy, people. Well, Vitamin D your skin will make if you send nudes, I mean, expose some skin to the sun for 15 minutes a day. And take the zinc anyway.
    Last edited by nickelslick; 03-31-2020 at 06:55 PM.

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    Enjoy your cytokine storms.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitta View Post
    Vitamin D plays a large role in hemopotesis and and what the stem cell that forms eventually becomes. For example, it's been shown that Vitamin D has a been role in what hematopoietic stem cells differentiate into. As a result, Vitamin D is very important in regulating the immune system. It's been shown that vitamin D affects both the Myeloid outcomes and the Lymphoid outcomes. Now vitamin C does play a role in the immune system such as increasing the number of B lymphocytes and as a result a higher potential in finding the right result combination from V(D)J recombination, or by regulating immune function through Tet2 activity. The thing is, most people have plenty of vitamin C. Taking extra Vitamin C probably won't matter(maybe if you took a liposomal form you may get slight benefits. IV Vitamin C puts a high concentration in your blood, but it falls pretty quickly, and there are risks of side effects with it. More than likely extra Vitamin C won't help you much at all cause most people aren't deficient.. maybe a little. Vitamin D on the other hand is something that quite a few people are deficient in. If you are old or a smoker you may be vitamin C deficient, but most people aren't


    Vitamin D is highly underrated and I suspect most people are deficient in Vitamin D.

    People at risk; those that stay indoors/don't get much sunlight, those with darker pigment skin

    It is an all around GREAT supplement everyone should be taking.

    Now how does Vitamin D relate to COVID-19?

    Fact All Coronavirus attach to ACE2 enzyme in human cells

    Suspected Vitamin D reduces ACE2 enzyme

    Fact All previous human Coronavirus are fought by Vitamin D

    Hypothesis Vitamin D will also fight the new form of Coronavirus, COVID-19
    Attached Images Attached Images

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Enjoy your cytokine storms.
    Health is like Aristotle's virtues. You can be brave, which happens when you show moderation, or you can be a coward or foolhardy on either extreme. If you boost your immune system without end, that's like someone going from being a coward to being foolhardy. The best way to be healthy just seems to be to make yourself happy, as in actually, truly, and sustainably happy, since health comes from an Old English word meaning wholeness after all, and the result of taking things apart isn't making them whole, it's making them injured or die.

    "When scholars study a thing, they strive
    To kill it first, if it's alive;
    Then they have the parts and they've lost the whole,
    For the link that's missing was the living soul.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust

    health (n.)

    Old English hælþ "wholeness, a being whole, sound or well," from Proto-Germanic *hailitho, from PIE *kailo- "whole, uninjured, of good omen" (source also of Old English hal "hale, whole;" Old Norse heill "healthy;" Old English halig, Old Norse helge "holy, sacred;" Old English hælan "to heal"). With Proto-Germanic abstract noun suffix *-itho (see -th (2)).
    Of physical health in Middle English, but also "prosperity, happiness, welfare; preservation, safety." An abstract noun to whole, not to heal [emphasis mine]. Meaning "a salutation" (in a toast, etc.) wishing one welfare or prosperity is from 1590s. Health food is from 1848.

    Overfocusing on one issue is the opposite of health. Please don't do that because that's basically the definition of unhealthy. If there's only one thing you get out of this whole board in its entire existence, it should probably be Grendel's post and my response right here.

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    Organe juice w/ ginger.


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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post

    btw, I'd like to warn people from buying all the supplements that are being hyped lately. it's easy to sell people some hope when they're scared.

    my uncle bought some super expensive vitamin C from Germany some days ago, a pack= 25 euros, when in here I can get one at the supermarket at 2.50 E. obviously his one was German and has ascorbic acid in it, not normal vit C...( I wanted to tell him they're the same thing but was bothered to hurt his feelings)
    That's "it's expensive and imported so it's better!" applied to vitamins. If you need a lot of vitamin C, I'd just go with food and drink sources: citrus, peppers, and pine/spruce/fir/juniper are much better sources than supplements. In nature things usually can't work without other things, for example, citrus and pine could heal sailors and explorers of scurvy in a couple of days while supplementing with vitamin C alone takes weeks because plants also contain amino acids which help your body repair itself from scurvy. However, you don't just want to drink gallons of pine needle tea or eat dozens of oranges for what should be pretty obvious reasons.

    Pine and spruce in particular also contain a strong antiviral, shikimic acid, which is what Tamiflu is just extracted and put into a pill because people like pills (also, it's the main flavor in licorice and anise. A flavor is a medicine and kills viruses. Health has little to do with the whole medical-industrial complex that's built up.) This thread didn't even ask about antivirals, only about how to boost your immune system as much as possible which is a bad idea. Even bees use herbal antivirals so leaving them out is a glaring omission.

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    If you are going to take vitamin C take liposomal kind. The absorption is much better because you only have a certain number of transporters, and liposomal form can easily cross into cell. That's the only form of Vit C I'd recommend. It may help a bit, but don't expect miracles from it. Everyone hoarding up on Walmart Vit C is dumb.
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    Quote Originally Posted by somnambulat0ry View Post
    if you have impaired kidney function or robust kidneys that don't need an extra stone i would advise against mega dosing vit c / ascorbic acid powder. the ideal would be to include yellow bell pepper, kiwifruit and frozen strawberries / blueberries in your diet if you can. generous servings of fruit and veg
    I don't think megadosing is a good idea. Liposomal Vit C has less that goes through your kidneys(a lot less). It's vitamin c that's surrounded in phospholipids so it just goes straight into cells at a high absorption rate. Other types are excreted at a much higher rate. Even IVing megadoses doesn't get as much into cells.
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    Quote Originally Posted by somnambulat0ry View Post
    if you have impaired kidney function or robust kidneys that don't need an extra stone i would advise against mega dosing vit c / ascorbic acid powder. the ideal would be to include yellow bell pepper, kiwifruit and frozen strawberries / blueberries in your diet if you can. generous servings of fruit and veg
    I got a kidney stone couple years back....

    they're not fun at all lol

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    just to note that "staying home" is not good for the immune system
    you need physical activity and better on fresh air. a walking for 1 hour, at least

    I recommend to add:

    1) a salad of garlic (1-2 parts)/onion (0.5-1 pcs)+sunflower oil (1-2 tablespoons)+cucumber(1 pcs)+tomatos(1-2 pcs) x 1-2 times per day
    2) buckwheat honey of 30 g x 2 times per day
    3) limes, apples, etc for vitamines C, E and other important meal elements
    4) mb it's useful to take small stimulators at morning alike tea
    5) sleep 8 hours per day

    generally, you should not feel as exausted or hungry so your body did not put you in "safe mode". it should meet infections with high response from the start

    There is mediocre chance to avoid new viruses which may appear in near time, including that covid. So you should pay more attention to your immunity than before.

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    They say contrast showers are really good for the immune system.

    I just continue doing it because it makes my naturally bumpy skin so smooth (relatively)...
    I'm the kind of person who always scoffed at people taking cold showers, but my whole family started doing the hot cold thing so then i gave it a try..

    After one of two times, it's not very bad. The trick is to remember to relax and BREATHE.

    The russians apparently have a word for this technique, and they like to build saunas next to cold lakes for this purpose.. says my Russian friend.

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    fighting with people for money and power is best way to boost immune system...accumulation through fighting carvin' out theat hard lusty trail AND sucking people into my schemes like nasty reprobate...MMM it sucks i am cutting off from scheming and finding new marks. i'm networked into eveyrhting right now best you can be and workign through the phones....talking shit mostly, spinning webs of deceit. i don't need no fckin' furniture...just give me a fckin' phone and i'll find a way to assert my power. i always do....i'll stop at nothing to do so. its just a little more tricky controlling all my affairs from being in jail. fighting is also a good way to boost immunity...sometimes breaching the parameters of sanity. hehe today i come to find my IEI-Ni 4w5 sx/sp left a bowl of food just outside our front window...she likes to give leftovers tot he animals...i had to put that shit in check. She never put it in a bowl before. That's the same fckin bowl I'm going to eat out of. you're going to let a wild fckin' animal eat of the same fckin' bowl that i'm going to eat out of! You don't put a fckin squirrel or bird on the same level as me that it can eat from the same bowl. Thats my fckin' BOWL. aww HELL NO k4m DON"T PLAY THAT!!! When the birds or the squirrels start paying the fckin rent here then then it can eat at my table. Until that day they'll be eating that shit off the ground. she assures she was going to bleach it (it ain't the point...its my property, my possession) and then TAKES it away but took my words to heart and proceeds to engage me in a SHOUTING MATCH. she'll dwell on it in siilence now all day! i like it though...MY IMMUNITY BEEN BOOSTED. I AM A FCKIN' BARBARIAN!!!!!
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 04-09-2020 at 06:02 PM.

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    What if viruses and bacterium like the fine food and excess vitamin you consume? Eventually you boost your infection with vitamin overdose.

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    Sleep, food, and relaxin' with a bit of exercisin'. Not much can be done right now...other than reducing yeah.

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    Well... you don't want to boost your immune system too much because an overactive immune system is just as bad as an underdeveloped one (probably worse)

    Afaik, that is what technically cancer is and when you die of a bad virus, you usually are actually dying of your body's own immune response to it.

    The best way to improve your immune system would be to continue to take 'healthy, calculated risks' because the adaptive immune system in humans is the strongest. ie nature still rewards brave Chads over cowardly germaphobic nerds.

    Our base immune response is kinda nifty in ways but also really archaic and is bound to hurt us more than help if it gets attacked sadly... as it tends to rely too much on over-inflammation from what I know. Or even if it does give you some resistances, the price can be impaired lung function for life or fucked up organ damage you might not ever 'fully' recover from or something. Our base immune system is a BASIC BITCH.

    The adaptive immune system, Ie you aren't a germophobe and you live life... I mean you don't lick toilets or anything stupid, 'healthy calculated risk' being the caveat, but it seems as you live your life- your immune system, as well as things in your Chad jaws... idk, it appears to relate and understand and adapt your body to handle it better next time or something...

    my mom's wisdom: 'If you were super sheltered in life from all germs and bacteria, in theory a minor bee sting could probably kill you after you stepped out of your fag cocoon and into the harsh real straight world.'

    (I paraphrased it with my gay shaman powers)

    so the best way to improve the immune system is to go outside in the sun, get exercise, live your life- and eat reasonably healthy. Most Americans simply do not eat our 5 to 9 servings of vegetables we should be having and I think that is a huge issue of a lot of our health issues. Just eating enough vegetables/some fruit each day is enough to prevent A LOT of cancers/diseases/health issues and we as a nation simply don't do it.

    Also - having a good immune system will help against viruses but I don't think it's a surefire bet of course, some times you just get a really nasty strain that laughs at any defenses you have because life is unfair/sux sometimes or whatever. Just like say you go camping or something. Maybe everything is fine and you have a great time. Or maybe a bear eats you in the most sadistically grimdark way possible... I mean, most of everything we do in life is a risk or whatever. Covid-19 generally seems to cull the week, but then supposedly really healthy people who have done everything perfectly in life health-wise are also dying from it- so who knows.

    But don't over-do the supplments/organic food either. Don't go on some fad diet that won't work and is actually unhealthy.

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    when I was super sick a couple years ago what worked best for me was one clove of garlic grinded down to a paste, and 1 tablespoon of organic honey mixed together in a hot tea. (it has to be the expensive, organic 'real' raw honey tho and of course real garlic not processed or anything)

    That was my turning point as before then everything I tried didn't really work and I had the cold for like 4 goddamn months and it was really scary and was really started to bother me.

    I mean it worked as a type of 'cure' for the super bad virus I had at the time but I don't really recommend doing this if ur not sick but I guess, maybe it has some preventive stuff too. And I mean don't over-do it or anything. Life is all about moderation blah blah. The right amount of sunshine is great for you , too much causes cancer... etc. Garlic and honey aren't miracle cures or anything but they have natural antimicroable and antibacterial properties that are good against viruses and immune system boost.

    I'm sure some Te valuer will create a news headline entitled 'covid-19 patient takes garlic and honey and still dies anyway' to emotionally torture people - but well obviously, to clarify I wasn't talking about covid but the flu I had which was not covid but was still horrible.

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