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Thread: Coming from MBTI as an INTJ, but I don't like the stereotype and box-like vibe. I think I have Fe? Can you share your first impressions? :)

  1. #1

    Wink Coming from MBTI as an INTJ, but I don't like the stereotype and box-like vibe. I think I have Fe? Can you share your first impressions? :)

    Hello everyone, I've always scored INTJ in MBTI. Although I think I have Fe in my stack, having Te as the "implementation of the program" function made a lot of sense too, because I feel that my modus operandi is about materialising my inner visions into a concrete raw functional product, as efficiently as possible. I know how to go about doing anything. I only accumulate knowledge if it has some practical use in the real world, not for the sake of learning only. I feel like it's a waste of time to accumulate knowledge or resources only for it to stay in my head. That's why sometimes I feel very depressed when I can't express myself or mobilise myself in the world.

    I don't identify with the online stereotypes at all, and I've always been a highly sensitive person, not a cold robot. I'm very sensitive deep inside, I'm easily hurt even though I never ever show it; I feel like I have eternal compassion for all beings and will always stand up for the underdog. On the outside I come across as a very emotionally strong and unflappable person, who has it all together. I have some trouble expressing my love and care for my intimates.
    With strangers, I'm always friendly and polite and democratic. I don't judge by first impressions and make friends from all walks of life very easily. I consider myself very tolerant of others, sincere and intense.

    I love to write poetry and lyrics. I like metaphors and there's always a double meaning to everything I say or write. I'm just too shy to expose my talents to the public though... Sometimes I go so deep while texting/expressing myself that people don't know what I'm talking about anymore, I'm basically just making inside jokes and comments with myself, that only I will understand.

    I love to entertain paradoxes and very disturbing content in my head, I love to feel the full spectrum of emotions, so sometimes I knowingly entertain sad or bizarre scenarios in my head. When talking to others I always love to give alternative perspectives. When someone is feeling down and helpless, I suggest various potential positive scenarios that could also be true. And also when someone is probably feeling overconfident and on top of the world, I feel compelled to describe terrible negative scenarios that could also happen, I feel compelled to do it. I don't mean any harm, but I'm very driven to challenge current conceptions, even if I don't say them out loud. I like to try to conciliate extremes. Ying needs Yang and vice versa.

    I feel very misunderstood and insecure, I always feel like I'm justifying myself when I don't need it. I honestly cannot lie.

    These last years I've just been watching life pass me by. People (I'll be honest, whom I considered less talented than me, or that didn't persue higher education) are all doing something, smiling, happy with their occupations and successes.
    I feel like I'm dragging myself through life lately, trying to find out who I am instead of creating who I am.
    I'm very afraid of ending up like Pink Floyd's Time...

    I'm currently in college studying Statistics and Data Science/Machine Learning. I want to learn as much as I can about difficult subjects so I can create a worthy self-autored product that I can offer society.

    I'm very relaxed and passive and lazy. It's very hard to get mobilised and I always need to relax/mentally prepare before going into anything.

    I abused alcohol, opioids and gabaergic drugs in the past. I cope with pain by going inwards, troubleshooting, isolating and escaping. I don't want to talk with anybody and I stop completing projects and become completely irresponsible. My routine and sleep cycle gets out of whack.

    At my best I'm witty, funny, confident and curious about anything. I start being assertive, decisive and interested in people again and being productive towards my personal goals everyday. I get that momentum of feeling accomplished at the end of the day and I start working harder and harder because it's invigorating me.

    I have no conflicts with people, and when I notice someone is hurt or I said the wrong thing or I suspect what I said may be misunderstood I immediately apologize and clarify/justify myself. I never let anything conflict wise drag out for long. All my relationships are at peace. It's the rest of the world that depresses me sometimes.

    I'm willing to answer anything else you may ask me, as weird as it may sound. Since I'm going full honesty, might as well ride the wave and go all the way in sharing it with strangers
    Thanks for reading and replying in advance.

  2. #2


    I want to add that I've considered also being an INFJ. But as long as stereotyped go, I don't relate with most of the brainwashy talk most self proclaimed INFJs live for. I'm very independent, and more democratic instead of aristocratic (I also read about reinins dichotomies). I don't identify with any of the bloggers. Sure I'd write about self improvement, but there's a certain vibe that they give me that I don't relate at all. I don't like to ride the normie wave, but hey, maybe I'm just in denial.

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    Most of what you write sounds ILI to me. And no type is a cold robot. I don't really see anything pointing to Fe, but possibly IP temperament, Ni and valued Fi.

  4. #4


    Also, if relevant. I'm a very nervous pansexual, not in touch at all with my sexuality. I know that contributes to my insecurities but I just wanted to let you know my biggest stresses. I never wrote this lengthy and deeply to anyone else. I'm pretty reserved. I don't know why but the feeling of being just another stranger anonymous on the internet inspires me haha.

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    @adastra, sometimes I see ILI and sometimes I see LIE in your post. I assume that you are female.

    Pansexual seems more female ILI, but a lot of other things in your post sound LIE. Like, having (Role) Fe, being efficient, valuing practical knowledge, all sound LIE.

    On the other hand, spending time inside your head instead of doing things sounds more ILI.

    When you make a mistake, do you publicly admit it and ask for help, or do you keep it to yourself and try to examine the problem from a different perspective?
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 03-11-2020 at 11:54 PM.

  6. #6


    Thanks for replying! I definitely keep it to myself and try to solve it my own by researching a lot.

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    socionics even more stereotyping and box like, enjoy!

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    Thanks for replying! I definitely keep it to myself and try to solve it my own by researching a lot.
    In my experience, that reaction is more likely to be seen in ILI’s than in LIE’s. It is one of the better ways to distinguish between the two types, because it addresses the differences between Fe-PoLR and Fe-Role, and slightly between introversion and extroversion.

    Both types can have trouble trusting other people, but in an emergency, LIE’s will tend to crowd-source solutions and ILI’s will dive deeper into themselves to seek a solution.

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    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    I only accumulate knowledge if it has some practical use in the real world, not for the sake of learning only.
    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    I don't identify with the online stereotypes at all, and I've always been a highly sensitive person, not a cold robot. I'm very sensitive deep inside, I'm easily hurt even though I never ever show it; I feel like I have eternal compassion for all beings and will always stand up for the underdog. On the outside I come across as a very emotionally strong and unflappable person, who has it all together. I have some trouble expressing my love and care for my intimates.
    With strangers, I'm always friendly and polite and democratic. I don't judge by first impressions and make friends from all walks of life very easily. I consider myself very tolerant of others, sincere and intense.
    Not a problem. Vulnerable Fe doesn't mean emotionless asshole.

    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    I love to write poetry and lyrics. I like metaphors and there's always a double meaning to everything I say or write. I'm just too shy to expose my talents to the public though... Sometimes I go so deep while texting/expressing myself that people don't know what I'm talking about anymore, I'm basically just making inside jokes and comments with myself, that only I will understand.
    Fear of criticism from showing emotion though - this does remind me of vulnerable Fe.

    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    I love to entertain paradoxes and very disturbing content in my head, I love to feel the full spectrum of emotions, so sometimes I knowingly entertain sad or bizarre scenarios in my head. When talking to others I always love to give alternative perspectives. When someone is feeling down and helpless, I suggest various potential positive scenarios that could also be true. And also when someone is probably feeling overconfident and on top of the world, I feel compelled to describe terrible negative scenarios that could also happen, I feel compelled to do it. I don't mean any harm, but I'm very driven to challenge current conceptions, even if I don't say them out loud. I like to try to conciliate extremes. Ying needs Yang and vice versa.
    Relatable, but when someone is feeling down and helpless, I like to kick them down further.

    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    These last years I've just been watching life pass me by. People (I'll be honest, whom I considered less talented than me, or that didn't persue higher education) are all doing something, smiling, happy with their occupations and successes.
    I feel like I'm dragging myself through life lately, trying to find out who I am instead of creating who I am.
    I'm very afraid of ending up like Pink Floyd's Time...
    Keenly aware of the passage of time. Strong Ni.

    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    I'm currently in college studying Statistics and Data Science/Machine Learning. I want to learn as much as I can about difficult subjects so I can create a worthy self-autored product that I can offer society.
    I also study statistics. Though I don't really care about how much I contribute to society.

    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    I'm very relaxed and passive and lazy. It's very hard to get mobilised and I always need to relax/mentally prepare before going into anything.
    Suggestive Se.

    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    I abused alcohol, opioids and gabaergic drugs in the past. I cope with pain by going inwards, troubleshooting, isolating and escaping. I don't want to talk with anybody and I stop completing projects and become completely irresponsible. My routine and sleep cycle gets out of whack.
    Can't relate to this one. I'm a straight-edge snoozefest who honors responsibilities.

    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    It's the rest of the world that depresses me sometimes.
    You'd be nuts if you were OK with it.

    So based on what you wrote, I deem you ILI-Te *stamp of approval*
    Actually, what I liked about socionics was that despite its seemingly rigid system, it allows for great flexibility within a type.
    Sorry for making it a bit about me haha. I figured you might appreciate the viewpoint of a self-professed ILI.
    If there's one type I know well, it's my own type.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by enmity View Post

    Not a problem. Vulnerable Fe doesn't mean emotionless asshole.

    Fear of criticism from showing emotion though - this does remind me of vulnerable Fe.
    Relatable, but when someone is feeling down and helpless, I like to kick them down further.

    Keenly aware of the passage of time. Strong Ni.

    I also study statistics. Though I don't really care about how much I contribute to society.

    Suggestive Se.

    Can't relate to this one. I'm a straight-edge snoozefest who honors responsibilities.

    You'd be nuts if you were OK with it.

    So based on what you wrote, I deem you ILI-Te *stamp of approval*
    Actually, what I liked about socionics was that despite its seemingly rigid system, it allows for great flexibility within a type.
    Sorry for making it a bit about me haha. I figured you might appreciate the viewpoint of a self-professed ILI.
    If there's one type I know well, it's my own type.
    Thank you so much for this reply. Reading about the cognitives styles was scary. I identified a lot.
    What's your opinion on ILI-Te Vs ILI-Ni?
    I'm extremely passive, but I accomplish a lot in the few times I choose to act.

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    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    What's your opinion on ILI-Te Vs ILI-Ni?
    I'm extremely passive, but I accomplish a lot in the few times I choose to act.
    Here is a quote by Gulenko on ILI-Te:
    "Practical, operational, maneuverable. Avoids taking up useless tasks and activities. Tries to extract benefit from everything, does not allow for waste in industry - everything must be reasonably used. Loves gatherings, company, friends, a good table. Has a developed sense of humor. Knows how to get along with those around him. Outwardly elegant and sociable, however, of somewhat loose and relaxed in constitution."

    I think this matches your description. Your quote: "I only accumulate knowledge if it has some practical use in the real world, not for the sake of learning only." This would not ring true for a ILI-Ni.

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    Quote Originally Posted by enmity View Post
    Relatable, but when someone is feeling down and helpless, I like to kick them down further.
    (My name is Yon Yonson,
    I live in Wisconsin.
    I work in a lumber yard there.
    The people I meet as
    I walk down the street,
    They say "Hello!"
    I say "Hello!"
    They say "What's your name?"
    I say: (My name is Yon Yonson...

    All posts licensed under the GNU General Public License. Some rights reserved.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SocietyOTLittleFlower View Post
    It was one half a joke and the other half the truth. It is funny that someone would say a negative character trait about themselves so bluntly as if they are proud of it. Also, I don't believe in trying to create a positive emotional atmosphere for other people. Often times people quip in with reassurance and saying that things will be better. Not always the case. Sometimes things won't get better and there needs to be at least one level-headed person in the world to point it out. If someone comes to you with a disturbing thought, they might be opening up in the hopes that you contradict that thought. But you had that thought for a reason. There may be a kernel of truth behind it. And it is a shame that you don't give it full consideration because it makes you feel bad. I fully embrace negative emotions. I'm a gloomy person to be around. It turns out that this is a common feature among ILIs. Another thing that affects this for me is my enneagram tritype. My tritype is 548, which is known to be cynical, dark, and intense. I won't put a whole description here. I'm sure you can find it if you were interested.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by enmity View Post
    It was one half a joke and the other half the truth. It is funny that someone would say a negative character trait about themselves so bluntly as if they are proud of it. Also, I don't believe in trying to create a positive emotional atmosphere for other people. Often times people quip in with reassurance and saying that things will be better. Not always the case. Sometimes things won't get better and there needs to be at least one level-headed person in the world to point it out. If someone comes to you with a disturbing thought, they might be opening up in the hopes that you contradict that thought. But you had that thought for a reason. There may be a kernel of truth behind it. And it is a shame that you don't give it full consideration because it makes you feel bad. I fully embrace negative emotions. I'm a gloomy person to be around. It turns out that this is a common feature among ILIs. Another thing that affects this for me is my enneagram tritype. My tritype is 548, which is known to be cynical, dark, and intense. I won't put a whole description here. I'm sure you can find it if you were interested.
    Where can my find my tritype? Do I just pick the 3 highest enneagram type results?

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    Quote Originally Posted by adastra View Post
    Where can my find my tritype? Do I just pick the 3 highest enneagram type results?
    The 9 types are divided into 3 centres: Body, heart, head
    You pick the highest types in each centre then list them in order of importance.

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