Quote Originally Posted by Farag View Post
Maybe you just mistyped. I have done the test 2 times I guess and got infp.
I did mistype, and greatly at that, lol. What I'm saying is that tests are based on your own perception of yourself, and even when other people are typing you, you can lie to them by virtue of constantly lying to yourself about your own qualities too. And it's very easy to do that when you're an impressionable teenager who thinks they know shit but actually they know nothing at all. It's hard to know yourself before 25, and I don't really know myself either right now, despite having found "my type". If you want to find your instincts or your type in order to /learn/ what you are like, I would advise against that -- because if you don't know yourself, you're prone to altering your behavior in order to fit a mold you think you're like or want to be like -- which can be detrimental in the long run. You should look for information about yourself within yourself, and only then attempt to type. You can't do it the other way around.

So a roundabout answer to your question is... Yes, your instincts will probably solidify later in adulthood, when you have more knowledge about yourself through life experience.