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Thread: Subtype influence on seeking

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    Default Subtype influence on seeking

    Furthermore, attraction to one’s Dual (or not) can also be more varied, based on subtype. The (strong) Inert subtype will always have “a thing” for their Dual-Seeking function primarily, though the Contact subtype might develop a “secondary” Dual-seeking function in the form of their Mobilizing function. In real life, the common scenario of this playing out, is IEI-Fe people usually marrying Alpha NTs, or SEE-Fi people often marrying DeltaSTs, who provide them (at least) with their “secondary” Dual-seeking function.

    What do you think? Do you experience this yourself (one or the other) or have seen it in action in others? I'm very curious about this and if you have anything to share about this please do!
    Last edited by guac; 03-10-2020 at 02:09 AM.

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    So basically what you're saying is that the strong inert subtype will develop a secondary dual seeking function in the form of their mobilizing... I assume because the dual seeking function and the mobilizing function share the same orientation.

    I remember seeing interactions between friends who were ILE and IEI. In fact I have two coworkers (IEI and ILE) who are mother and son. I believe I recall there being a lot of shared values among my friends. There was a lot of magnetism. In hindsight, after I started to explain things with Socionics, I realized that each friend led with the others' ignoring function. So I think some of the magnetism is simply due to trying to bridge the gap with someone who really just tends to ignore you. Which I think is sad because I believe that was their precedent. The ILE considered the IEI a witch and the IEI considered the ILE a child.

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    I do think I've always had a "thing" for Ni, so ILI,IEI,LIE,and EIE have all been good relations. When I was younger, I was obsessed with an ILI author, and as I got older, all of my deepest relationships were with Ni ego types.

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    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by citronnade View Post
    Furthermore, attraction to one’s Dual (or not) can also be more varied, based on subtype. The (strong) Inert subtype will always have “a thing” for their Dual-Seeking function primarily, though the Contact subtype might develop a “secondary” Dual-seeking function in the form of their Mobilizing function. In real life, the common scenario of this playing out, is IEI-Fe people usually marrying Alpha NTs, or SEE-Fi people often marrying DeltaSTs, who provide them (at least) with their “secondary” Dual-seeking function.........
    Statements such as this suggest that type is the main factor in attraction when it really has a rather minor role; it's effects are overshadowed by physical attractiveness, social status, education, common belief systems, personal baggage, etc. Type really comes into play when the honeymoon is long past - or in scenarios where there's no attraction.....

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Usually so called mobilizing is the most responsive. It really gets you out of rut and activation/benefit can really spark interests. Duality as it is usually described is rather elusive at first much more than in comparison to illusionary.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 03-12-2020 at 01:13 PM.
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    Thanks for your comments!

    Personally, I have a pretty strong inert subtype, and I have always been easily attracted to my duals. I've never related to the whole thing about how people usually don't recognize their duals easily and it takes a lot for them to start noticing and appreciating them.

    @Andreas you're saying that the framework of subtypes or of what I posted worked better before or after "mbti era"? sorry, I don't quite understand what you wrote.

    @Rebelondeck "Type really comes into play when the honeymoon is long past - or in scenarios where there's no attraction..." thanks, good point.

    @My Chemical Bromance
    you made me think of an LSI-Se I know who always goes for high Ni-users as well

    also, would you mind explaining this further I don't quite follow:
    I realized that each friend led with the others' ignoring function. So I think some of the magnetism is simply due to trying to bridge the gap with someone who really just tends to ignore you. Which I think is sad because I believe that was their precedent. The ILE considered the IEI a witch and the IEI considered the ILE a child."

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    Since HA is more conscious than suggestive, one is usually more aware of lacking in HA than lacking in suggestive. So one may somewhat consciously seek out those with HA in ego, while unconsciously seeking those with suggestive in ego (but not being aware of that seeking because it's unconscious). So it's plausible that IEI (for instance) would seek out those with Ti in ego over those with Se in ego due to being somewhat consciously aware of Ti-seeking, but not consciously aware of Se-seeking. To your point, subtype could then accentuate this if IEI-Fe notices their lack of Ti more and seeks out Ti egos more (compared to IEI-0 (no subtype)).

    This is now not directly related to your post anymore but I've also been curious how subtype affects seeking of activator vs. dual. I've wondered if strong contact subtype might seek activators as much as, or almost as much as, duals, due to their lack of HA compared to no subtype or inert subtype.

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    My understanding of this theory on subtype was that contact subs have a more strengthened DS function, so they feel more like they have that under control and are more attracted to people with HA in their ego because HA is weakned for them. Inert was the opposite, they have a stronger HA and feel like they have that under control, so they are more attracted to their DS in a persons ego. I always wondered if that was how it worked or if a strengthened seeking or mobilizing function would make you more attracted to the strengthen function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillaxe View Post
    My understanding of this theory on subtype was that contact subs have a more strengthened DS function, so they feel more like they have that under control and are more attracted to people with HA in their ego because HA is weakned for them. Inert was the opposite, they have a stronger HA and feel like they have that under control, so they are more attracted to their DS in a persons ego. I always wondered if that was how it worked or if a strengthened seeking or mobilizing function would make you more attracted to the strengthen function.
    Speaking for myself, my inert is strengthened, and i'm not really attracted to my HA, not nearly as much as I am to my seeking function. As you said, I feel that I have it under control (whether or not I actually do is a different thing ) basically, i'm very Se-seeking.

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