Your alternative facts? Facts are one thing. Deciding you're right and calling your claims facts is quite another. I agree that some people think of themselves as being dominant in one element when that element is really their HA. I don't think I'm doing that myself. I still type as EII anyway. I haven't moved yet for starters. But I think you're being a bit snide.
You have moved. You typed as ESI for a long time, then LSI. Now you’ve changed it again to EII.
And I didn’t say it was a fact that you’re playing up your HA. I merely suggested that it’s common, which is a fact.
And I don’t know what you think I’m being snide about here lol. You’re the one defensively playing the victim while snidely making assumptions.
You don't?
Okay, I made a post saying I it's probable I have 4D Ni. You replied, "Yeah, it's normal for people to play up their self-perception of their HA." You're implying that I was playing up my perception of having 4D Ni by making that statement in response to the one I made -- without directly contradicting my statement. It might have been unintentional, but you are still dismissing what I was saying in my post.
And yeah, I have changed my typing a few times. Lots of people have done that. But your statement is replying to an imaginary statement: "I haven't changed my type." I said, "I haven't changed my type yet." -- That means I haven't changed from EII. And that's what I was saying. I wasn't focusing on past typings with that statement.
The fact that a) you didn’t know how it would be hardly relevant that you haven’t changed from EII yet, yet more relevant for me to guess you meant that you haven’t moved from your original typing yet,
b) the fact that you thought my implied OPINION was what I was referring to as FACT (?!?) instead of my ACTUAL STATEMENT
c) the fact that you think it’s okay to create such insane thoughts about people making assumptions out of thin air and then CONDEMNING people for them lmao, while not realizing the reasonable assumptions one would make from your own phrasing
d) the fact that not realizing targeting an implication is also Ne polr
Isn't everything I've learned learned from life? Do you want a complete list?
Follow the spirit. Life has to have a direction that's bigger than you. You find that by accepting your current culture and conventions and spirit of the times, society trends. Do what other people are doing, and then work your way forward from that. Don't isolate yourself mentally, humans are not meant for that.
The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.
(Jung on Si)
-Develop positive daily habits (exercise, meditation, reading etc.)
-Praise good, intelligent and moral acts regardless if I like the person or not
-Create beautiful things
-Avoid being dragged down into bullshit (mine or other peoples)
-Take time to appreciate beauty and nature
-Be aware of who or what is trying to influence/control me
-Look after my body and mind
Disagreement ≠ Hate
Last edited by Computer Loser; 08-25-2020 at 02:48 AM.
all that I know
Some people build a god in their image and it's not pretty.
It's nigh impossible to share a philosophy I've learned that doesn't belong to somebody else, because truths are universal. If my philosophy is valid, someone else will have learned it as well.
People usually think about themselves. That means you can get away with a lot of things that make you feel awkward or foolish, and if anyone remembers it will only be a passing memory when something related comes up. They're not thinking of you and your mistakes - they're thinking of themself and their mistakes.
Some people learn through experiences, and they know a lot about how the world works. But they tend to learn through bad experiences. This suggests that learning by experiences exercises INT, not WIS. Some of the wisest people have few fascinating stories of experiences they learned from. Wisdom is gained gradually, by giving attention to the smaller parts of life.
Wisdom is also gained by learning from the experiences of others. But they don't need to be real experiences. Fictional stories can tell us much about the truths of life. (I recently met someone from Zimbabwe who mentioned that they look for morals/meanings in any story they're told, even the ones not meant to have meaning.)
Thankfulness is the key to happiness.
Very good truth.
That's an interesting thing about ancient pagan/idol worship vs the biblical God. Genesis tells us that humans were created "in the image of God." We are designed after Him, given some of His characteristics, and are meant to be His representatives, or standard-bearers, to the world.
But humans have preferred to elevate themselves, designing gods with human characteristics and thus making their gods image-bearers of themselves. Gods of sex, wealth, and trickery. Gods who squabble with one another, make mistakes, and react in selfish ways.
i aint learned shit
I haven't learned anything from life except that everything life has taught me is a lie. For years, one falsehood after another was planted in my head; and for years, I've been been uprooting those falsehoods one by one and returning myself to the condition of perfect wisdom possessed by the new born.
Type me here:
The following ideas are spooks:
- Adulthood
- Politics
- Total physical security
- Objective values
The following spooks are actually real:
- Metaphysical existence / “God”
- Our minds being connected to the Matrix
- Physical reality generally following certain rules that you can’t really escape from
- Consciousness having different parts to it
Unconditional love: ?
Don't take yourself so seriously and pay attention to when you may be pushing people away without realizing it. At the end of the day it's the people around you that makes your life worth living
Some of these aren't really 100 % true as much as I'd like them to be true, in principal but nevertheless:
Least said, soonest mended. aka Don't have diarrhea of the mouth.
Speak ye little, listen much. (same concept kinda)
When we do shitty things in life, we don't think we're not righteous- we think we have the right.
Nobody wants to be the bad guy, everybody thinks they are righteous. (similiar-ish to above)
People in authority are cruel, heartless assholes that just want power under the guise of righteousness. Usually. Probably. Mostly. Always?
I'll quit playing victim when you stop being an offender.
Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Be careful when following the masses. The 'M' is often silent.
Success is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.
Money + Power + Respect is the key to life. (I just need the money!)
A lot of these ethical lessons don't really matter as much as learning a technical or mechanical skill. Most people only pounce on obvious ethical mishaps cuz they aren't really smart enough to handle the nuances.
Last one, I just thought: Maybe life, and getting along with others, is about making peace with your inner Karen and inner weirdo.
You don't die when you hit middle age.