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Thread: Beta aspects of IEI?

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by guac View Post
    Hi betazoids (this is the term?)

    Could someone clarify in what ways IEIs display beta characteristics? I don't mean in a "oh it's cuz they use ni/se and fe/ti functions, and these functions mean blah blah" way. I'm looking for some more concrete examples/explanations.
    I'm a strong Ni-subtype IEI and although there are certain Beta things I relate to a lot (aristocracy and stuff), I really don't relate to the "revolutionary" part at all, and this seems to be a core aspect of the quadra. Yes, I see how things could be improved, but even if I possessed a stronger sense of confidence and less general passivity/"I don't care, they can make things the way they want" attitude (which I guess is also related to how I've always felt to be more of an outsider/apart from things), I don't think I would try too hard either?
    Maybe it's that I'm very introverted and just not very confident (and I'm still quite young. still developing into myself and all that gud stuff).

    What do you think? And what do you think are the more NF beta characteristics? Because it feels like some beta descriptions are much more biased towards the STs. thank youuu
    Theres tons of IEIs who have changed the course of history through organizing people and creating movements, creating the spark in people to gather round and change society for better or worse depending on the person.

    Generally IEIs bring people together, uniting them and pointing them towards one purpose that would serve all mankind. EIEs are similar. The actual doing, carrying out the tasks and persevering in the face of threats and danger lies in the hands of the skilled STs.

    There is always something "revolutionary" about betas in the sense that they are often not happy with the status quo, or see how things can be improved and are eager to organize "an army" to do so. Betas often flock together and create groups, even movements, or armies to combat what they think "is wrong with society", think martin luther king (EIE) and apartheid, adolf ****** (EIE) and judaism, nelson mandela(IEI), barack obama (IEI), jesus christ (IEI), etc.

    What do they have in common? All had a vision (Ni) of how the future SHOULD look like, and they rallied and inspired the same passion and ignited the flame in others (Fe) to motivate others to carry out what was needed to make it so (Se, Ti).

  2. #2
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    I recently discovered the enneagram instinctual stackings and I think taking a look at those can help people figure out the parts of their quadra they identify with and the parts they don't. There's an overload of information in Socionics descriptions (I love it but it's overwhleming for me). There's A LOT of truth in it, but it gets me down reading about the negative stuff. If you learn about the enneagram instincts, you can compare those with the descriptions of your Socionics type (there are some super useful resources in the enneagram area on this site) and come up with your own versions/ imaginings of types. It's a nice alternative to Socionics descriptions(for me anyway). Socionics descriptions scare me because there's so much truth in them..and they are stated as if they are fact. Which makes them seem like fact. But they're not (even 100 descriptions together can't get at the essence of ALL IEIs). Comparing them (and quadra descriptions) with enneagram, in particular the instincts, seems like a really great way of understanding people. Sure, you have things in common with people in your quadra. That's cool..but we also have loads in common with people with instinctual stackings which are somehow complimentary with ours (that's a lot of people). Sorry to go on a massive enneagram tangent..
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 05-27-2020 at 07:33 PM.

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