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Thread: forcing people to share?

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    Default forcing people to share?

    Just came up while reading about something else... Are there any actual examples/literature/personal experience/personal thought about gamma extraverts "forcing" their introverted counterparts to share their vision or share their feeling?

    Sorry in advance for the ambiguity. I do have a personal story to share associated with this idea, but I did not want to talk about it too much too soon, as it might lead the thread to a particular direction rather than just letting it take a life of its own. May share it later, depending.

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    Aramas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by remiges View Post
    Just came up while reading about something else... Are there any actual examples/literature/personal experience/personal thought about gamma extraverts "forcing" their introverted counterparts to share their vision or share their feeling?

    Sorry in advance for the ambiguity. I do have a personal story to share associated with this idea, but I did not want to talk about it too much too soon, as it might lead the thread to a particular direction rather than just letting it take a life of its own. May share it later, depending.
    They force people to share food with them too. They would rather force themselves on others tbh. Their likes, their dislikes, etc. They want others to be the way they want them to be. Especially true with SEEs. Gammas in general tend to be too convinced of their rightness.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Extroverts encourage introverts to share because they seem incapable of interpersonalizing it so much- this gives the introvert a chance to 'let go' and find solutions to their problems that are more physical or technical. The extroversion craves depth from the introvert and the introvert is looking for breadth from the extrovert. Extroversion is more valued in society because it's always better to be a river than a lake, practically & spiritually speaking. What extroverts are really doing tho is stealing the soul from everybody around them so I think in a way, an introvert also keeps the extrovert in moral check and balances their manipulative soul-sucking otherwise they are just these objective blahs with no soul, even tho ironically being extroverted is usually 'more moral.'

    The SEEs I know, were understanding/empathetic with me but there was also this sense of 'I don't really give a shit, let's just make love' well it was that with my semi-dual. For the ENTj it was a bit more harsh like 'I don't really give a shit, just get a job.' Or the ENTj actually did care more than the SEE- but that didn't really do anything to help me since ENTjs are victim-erotics despite being extroverts. I didn't mean to sound like the ENTjs lack empathy- because often times they are actually too empathetic in that Fi-ish way.

    Introversion is annoying. It's just .... strife. It leads to nothing but inward hand-foggling. An introvert always needs an extrovert to SLAP them. As hard as they can across the face. So to speak, I mean.

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    This was a one-time occurence, so don't burn me at the stake, but I physically cornered a person to get him to tell me what he was thinking because I had decided that we need to finish our argument right there and then. He wasn't an introvert tho, he was an EIE, and we forgot it soon after. Agreed with previous posters that us SEEs are really the most prone to doing this kind of thing. Lack of perspective + thinking you're right + full bodily presence usually does that. There was another time when I threw a tantrum (this was over the internet) because I felt like my friend/love interest wasn't being genuine enough with his feelings for me, and that I wanted "the truth". But this was when I was 14 and more unstable.

    My two best friends are both introverts. In terms of forcing, or rather prompting them to share their opinions, thoughts, viewpoints etc., it isn't really hard. They just need a little push, usually in the form of a question, or me offering my own opinion and then looking at them expectantly. But they are my friends, and they probably feel comfortable to share with me.

    And food... Well yeah, and I'm the biggest hypocrite when it comes to it. If someone offers, I'll absolutely take the food. If I'm not eating anything and people around me are, I want some, and I ask them for it. Usually they give me some, and I'm like thanks bud. But if someone asks me, in the past I used to never share it because I want all of it for myself, lol. Now I tend to force myself to share things, not just food, but pens, a calculator, clothes (such as lab coat) and suspend the part of my brain that's constantly going "they're touching your fucking stuff!!" in interest of becoming a more generous and pleasant person to be around...

    Also, from my experience with LIEs, they tend to command things with tone. I do this too, to an extent, but I pay attention to who I'm speaking to and how that will be received, whether it's appropriate for the situation, etc. The LIEs I know are like commander mode all day every day, and despite us being the same in immediately reverting to a delegating leader position if available, they think that they can delegate even without being appointed that leadership position. In that vein they are slightly more abrasive. But maybe they make up for it by being better at the delegating of tasks themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Extroverts encourage introverts to share because they seem incapable of interpersonalizing it so much- this gives the introvert a chance to 'let go' and find solutions to their problems that are more physical or technical. The extroversion craves depth from the introvert and the introvert is looking for breadth from the extrovert. Extroversion is more valued in society because it's always better to be a river than a lake, practically & spiritually speaking. What extroverts are really doing tho is stealing the soul from everybody around them so I think in a way, an introvert also keeps the extrovert in moral check and balances their manipulative soul-sucking otherwise they are just these objective blahs with no soul, even tho ironically being extroverted is usually 'more moral.'
    lol@how fucked up this framing is--and I truly believe you already know that. No offense, but you can come off as very passive aggressive.

    1.) I reject these definitions but if, according to your reasoning, introvert = soul and extrovert =no soul, then by extension introverted IEs = soulful and extroverted IEs = soulless. But, seeing as how every extroverted sociotype has at least one conscious, valued, high D introverted function in their ego block, wouldn't that mean that we have relatively easy access to our 'soul,' in that an introverted IE comprises a fundamental aspect of who we are? A significant part of how an extrovert would reach out to others, would be via the creative usage of their 'soul.' Therefore, it's difficult for me to see how extroverts would have 'no soul,' which is why I don't think 'soul' is the right metaphor for what you're trying to say.

    2.) As much energy as I [along with other EJs, who are the most energetic] expend on a daily basis ordering, moving, rallying, convincing, encouraging, and instructing folks, if anything, it's MY 'soul' (i.e., a 'spark,' energy, passion, intensity, and I have a lot of it) that's frequently being drained from my body by the environment and siphoned off into multiple directions. It's true that I'm often seeking to 'pull' something from others, but I'm also giving generously of my essence to get it--and it's usually a mutually beneficial arrangement. Both extroverts and introverts possess 'soul'--it's probably more accurate to say that extroverts outwardly project ours to bring the 'soul' of the introverts to the surface.

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    Social norms aside, I wouldn't agree with the extrovert always leading. Now, I would agree that Ejs tend to invade Ij spaces and try to force communication. However, Ips seem to lead the communication with Eps even though the Eps may be the first to physically approach but many will play coy or follow the other's lead......

    a.k.a. I/O

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