SLEs: More guys than girls slightly but it feels pretty equal. As the male ones usually get institutionalized anyway and the female ones it's easy to spot them since they will be assertive and have kind of stereotypically male-ish features but still want to be treated like a lady.

IEIs: More girls than guys but the guys definitely stand out more. The males are either looked down on too much or the reverse, thought of too highly as 'misunderstood artistic outcasts' or some bullshit - or mistaken as EIIs that can fix other people's moral fuck-ups. The weirdness in IEI males is way too overhyped. The females OTOH are overlooked as 'basic bitch Staceys' when in all reality they can actually be quite unique and intelligent.

LSIs: More guys than girls.

EIEs: More girls than guys.

LSE: UHHHHHHHHHHHHH I kind of avoid them since they are so boring Republican like to me so I have to say kind of 50/50? The female ones seem to be attracted to power in the professional sense, the males incur power more 'naturally.'

ESI: About 60 female, 40 male. The male ones are kind of sexy like mysterious greek gods? (to me anyway)

LIE: Definitely more male...

ILE: Definitely more male, the female ones are interesting tho.

ILI: More male than female.

IEE: More female... but not overwhelmingly so. But definitely more noticeable. 62/38?

LII: More male than female. Cuz men think and women feel!!!!

ESE: More females definitely, male ESEs come off even gayer than I do and god as we all know, that is pretty goddamn fucking GAY.

SEI: More female than male. LOL @ a man being diplomatic. We should all learn how to fish and hunt instead.

EII: More female than male maybe slightly but it's pretty close. /kartwheel kicks Eckart Tolle's face.

SLI: More male than female but it's close.