Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
This may sound stupid and entirely contradictory of Socionics, but I’ve actually found that LSIs generally try to avoid confrontations if they’re unsure of how they’ll affect future relations. They may instigate them if they know they’re speaking from a position of power, or if they’re on familiar enough terms with whoever they’re addressing to know how it’ll play out. Otherwise I’ve seen LSIs go months without addressing someone who was a thorn in their side, just because they preferred to silently deal with the problem for an indefinite period of time rather than risk a blowup.

Not that I’m saying you’re LSI. But sometimes I feel that Se is misdefined in Socionics; it’s too often associated with aggression or force.
I don't think Se is the issue. LSIs are not just Se. I think seeing a type as a single IM is the issue.