I think I’m attracted to “vulnerable”-seeming guys, basically. That seems weird and creepy, but I don’t really let go and open up emotionally otherwise

I don't think it's weird or creepy. A relationship naturally makes you vulnerable, so it makes sense to me...

I guess society has this kinda basic bitch normative thing where we think only children can be vulnerable. Of course in a very uhh idk over the top Delta normal way- kids are obviously more vulnerable than adults and need greater protections because of it, due to natural innocence and naivety and such but I mean we're human. You don't really instantly become 'hardened' and lacking vulnerability when you turn 18- it's kind of ridiculous that we have that notion. Certain vulnerabilities stay with us regardless of our age or experience. Of course there is certain expectations and levels of culpability we give kids vs adults but vulnerability in its raw form doesn't work that way... it's like bad Ni that we ignore this so much I think? lol

What is creepy is people who actually molest kids and stuff. Liking vulnerability in consenting adult-age partners is not creepy- just misunderstood. I only mention the pedo angle because it seems like twisting the two together is how some dumb people might think it's creepy when it's not. (and people who have this oversimplified view that adults are never allowed to be vulnerable.)

God I don't think I could genuinely love a 'perfect, 110% tough person' that has everything figured out and has no vulnerability whatsoever. I would probably even greatly dislike that type of person? lol it seems like an illusion or a concept or a profession more than an actual person anyway.