Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
Oh wait. True. That wasn't you. I do remember someone suggested SLI for me in my typing thread.

I honestly wouldn't mind being one. It's the type most similar to LII in terms of values and mannerism. I've fantasised about being SLI back when I got into MBTI. It would be funny if I ended up being one.

Se-polr is evident to me though. In my last period of training as an Air Traffic Controller, I've had two things I needed to work on, that I didn't excel in naturally:

  1. Not assertive enough with pilots/colleagues/other sectors, etc. This is more of a personality trait that I've always had. I'm very amicable in person. I have always been this way. Even my instructor told me "I know you are a nice guy, but people will push you around if you let them. You need to protect your license. Sometimes you have to say no." That guy was LII as well. I could tell. I remember getting chastised for telling one pilot "Report when ready for turn." Unless he is the only one flying and he is not going to be in conflict with anyone, we are not supposed to give them options to do what they want. In my initial period of training I used to say yes to every pilot request. I was too accommodating. I made things harder for myself unnecessarily because someone wanted to do a certain speed when in reality the assigned speed I gave him would make things easier for me and it wouldn't make any difference to him. Now I make every decision for them, and they have to tell me if they are unable to comply. It's a weird concept to me, but that is how it works.
  2. Slow reaction to conflict in unusual situations. Note the bold, I think that is what people misunderstand about having a weak function. The function doesn't cease to exit just because it's weak. It's just unable to adapt as fast as a strong function. I'm able to deal with it in the context of work after extensive training only. As for for my vibe on the internet, I don't know how long have you been on forums, but I've been posting on forums since I was 12, I'm 30 now. I met all kinds of people and I generally know how to carry myself. It's one of the few forms of sites that I feel really comfortable with. I'm not on any social network. But I still have like 5 active accounts on different forums. Probably would be more if some of them were still running.

I've done research on the subject and apparently ISTJs (MBTI) are over-represented in ATC. It's not all that is needed but I'm pretty sure having a strong Se makes being an Air Traffic Controller much easier to some degree. The world Controller is there for a reason.
This may sound stupid and entirely contradictory of Socionics, but I’ve actually found that LSIs generally try to avoid confrontations if they’re unsure of how they’ll affect future relations. They may instigate them if they know they’re speaking from a position of power, or if they’re on familiar enough terms with whoever they’re addressing to know how it’ll play out. Otherwise I’ve seen LSIs go months without addressing someone who was a thorn in their side, just because they preferred to silently deal with the problem for an indefinite period of time rather than risk a blowup.

Not that I’m saying you’re LSI. But sometimes I feel that Se is misdefined in Socionics; it’s too often associated with aggression or force.