Quote Originally Posted by enmity View Post
In short, I thought I needed someone with brains but it turns out I just really wanted someone with a pretty face who would chase after me.
When I was early teens, being the misunderstood loner was my thing and I did want someone like myself. As I got over that, more late teens and early 20s, was when I realized I probably did not need that, similar to the reasons you mentioned. I needed someone to calm my mind down just a little, not rev it up more.

Growing up, I definitely got the message that I was not feminine enough, that society in general did not value girls who were too smart... and I remember actually breaking down emotionally one day because I couldn’t figure out how people formed relationships, how they knew they found someone they wanted to be with, that I would end up being alone because of this weakness that I perceived as something women should be able to do... Some day, I thought, maybe I could find a guy who was confident enough in his own judgment (Fe ignoring?) and own masculinity that he would not be ashamed at all by being the one to stay home and take care of the kids while I went out and worked.

ESI-Se seems like a good fit for him, imo.