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Thread: Jack the Exploiter - LIE/ENTj

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    The exploitive nature of LIEs (and EIEs for that matter), is often in their Se-mobilizing function. As I wrote on my blog, Se, in its unhealthy forms, is about the psychological concept of Entitlement, which is define by Young as:

    The problem with many LIEs, in the view of the people they work with, is that they take and do not give back. This is the first bolded part in the quote above. Their dealings with other people might not characterized by reciprocity. Now some LIEs might argue that they pay people their paycheck, but then they ignore that most people deliver beyond the call of duty, and are not properly compensated for that. Also, some of the worse LIEs do not even want to pay the agreed price.

    The more serious pathological LIEs go one step further, then we get to the second bolded part in the quote: their behavior gets outright sadistic and/or abusive.

    My SEI GF broke off a friendship with a n LIE woman recently for the second, and probably final final time. The woman, who lives on the other side of town, was sick for a couple of weeks, and my GF offered to do some groceries for her, since her neighbor didn't want to do it anymore. So my GF drove to the other side of town, got her groceries and then went to drop off the groceries. Then she and the woman discussed their hobby (making clothes) and went through pieces of cloth the woman had. My GF remarked about some particular cloth how nice it was, then the woman replied, do you want to have it, I'm not going to use it. My GF said okay. A bit later they went to settle the bill for the groceries, then the woman mentioned to settle the bill with the price of the cloth. My GF was under the impression that the cloth was a gift. So they negotiated a price of 3 euros (THREE shitty euros!!) for the cloth, when my GF took it on her to drive all the way to the other side of town (easily 4 euros in gasoline) and did her groceries. My GF was taken aback, but didn't assert herself. Later when she came home, she started feeling bad about it, also understood why this woman is constantly driving other people away: because she does not give back when being given something. I was no at all surprised my GF decided to break off the friendship, it was in the stars.

    In business dealings, my alarm bells usually start ringing pretty fast when dealing with LIEs. Only a few are of a reliable nature. Some even have the ff-ing nerve to ask for your input and contributions while making clear from the start that they are going to spend their money elsewhere (a place most likely a lot cheaper). Some even start putting pressure on you on your rate not even having discussed the nature of the project. In that sense it's better dealing with their ESI duals: they will give you a call if you forget to send them an invoice timely ;-)
    I'd take issue with this argument. You have a gap in your reasoning: you ask us to accept that LIE are singularly prone to entitlement more than are other types without any proof. Then you explain what that might look like. It's unsupported, though. I typicaly see many Si/Ne quadra members offering gifts (at least some of the time this is as a cementer of relations. Instead of trading instructive real-life accounts of personal challenges and methods that might serve as tools, as gammas seem to, the Si/Ne offer 'to pay'..and sometimes that's an event ticket or restaurant bill a gamma was intending to pay on their own) and gammas resisting, citing inability or low likelihood they would repay or citing the giver 'needing it possibly' and urging them to keep it. While I think it's rubbish to not have mutualiy in a relationship, there's room to negotiate what that looks like and what's acceptable. The sick LIE may have been acting out of poverty more than personality. Also, there may have been an understanding on one side that charity was involved. I'm not sure. But extrapolating behavior like that to a pattern for alll LIE seems off to me
    Last edited by nanashi; 05-21-2020 at 10:14 PM.

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