Quote Originally Posted by Toro View Post
Whatever valuable information this article has is tainted by obvious personal bias. The title itself is evidence enough.
Sometimes, I have the impression gamma NTs mistrust their own expression because of weak unvalued Fe and since the popular opinion seems to be that thinking of your own internal flow of emotion is selfish and bad, it feels like they can't be good people.
I think it's where the materialistic, uncaring side of gamna NTs really comes from.

I find that if I can connect with my Fi, I become a lot more caring and kind, but since I'm focused on my own internal state then, it often feels wrong because I'm not expressing the correct thing; I'm being honest, not suffering of self-sacrifice like they all claim everywhere around where I live. Then I shut down and start exhibiting the worst traits I have, which in turn is pretty much what type descriptions say I should be like all the time.
So, I'm either miserable or another type, and that's where socionics sucks. It was built in a vacuum and disregards the reality of people.