Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
I'm well aware of the itr dynamic between SLE and LIE. However I have been dualized for a long time and am ti sub along with many years of abuse by my LIE dad so I personally find them pretty predictable as well. My dad will usually cave when I resort to physical force, you gotta just position the confrontation right and catch them off guard, play a sheep, let them think they're pulling your string then BOOM. They'll usually resort to playing the victim in that instance being so blind sided, which does nothing for me. I don't care about looking like a dick to a bigger dick.
FACTS. My father was an LIE dickhead, as well, so I get it. And he had been kicked around by his LSI and SLE dickhead father and brother. I spent a lot of my youth in a very violent, strong Se valuing society and I probably have a mild PTSD, which is why my antennae immediately go up when high D Se types start talking about applying "pressure." lol Tangentially, this makes me think of epigenetic trauma, the notion that traumatic experiences can leave a chemical mark on one's genes (that might, for example, alter how genes manage the predominance of certain hormones), which might then be passed down from generation to generation, kind of like an inbuilt survival kit for your progeny.

Interestingly enough, Gulenko, in comparing his DCNH system with Helen Fisher's hormonal typology, posited a correlation between Dominant [Te, Se, Fe] & Testosterone, Creative [Ne, Fe, Se] & Dopamine, Normalizing [Ti, Fi, Si] & Serotonin, and Harmonizing [Ni, Fi, Si] & Estrogen. All of these theories are circumstantial af, but it's interesting to ponder the possible connections and correlations.