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Thread: Jack the Exploiter - LIE/ENTj

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    kingslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Are you IEE? Theoretically, this only really makes sense with certain types of IR because there are different degrees of cognitive armament/disarmament depending on IR. For example, ESI may be able to recognize LIE's less desirable behaviors but evidently they don't have the natural cognitive defenses to always resist or else they wouldn't constantly have the resources wiped out, like Strat alleges. lol In part, they're vulnerable due to their valued 1D Te and unvalued 1D Ne; whereas IEEs have valued 2D Te and valued 4D Ne in addition to valued 3D Fi which places them in a better position to catch our bullshit. An SEI would see our bullshit, be turned off, and cross the street.

    Yes to the emboldened red portion, but if you're actually dealing with LIEs, then the emboldened black portion won't be a full proof method because there is a degree of cognitive immunity due the nature of our IR. Relations of benefit are an asymmetrical IR > benefactor's creative function perceives the weakness of the beneficiary's suggestive function, and whereas the beneficiary's base function perceives the weakness of the benefactor's mobilizing function, the benefactor is less inclined to be moved/influenced/bullied on that aspect because it's not a prime concern; not that it's unimportant, but it's something the benefactor stubbornly exercises/acknowledges at their own discretion. If I'm relatively OK with being a lazy fat fuck, then admonishing me to go to the gym ain't really gonna do much. lol

    Moreover, just as an IEE discerns my hustle/what I'm about a mile away through the lens of their Fi, and establishes the necessary protections against Te onslaughts, that's exactly what my Ni (and its forward looking contingencies) does in the face of Se "pressure"--there's a good chance I've already planned several steps ahead in anticipation of that.
    I'm well aware of the itr dynamic between SLE and LIE. However I have been dualized for a long time and am ti sub along with many years of abuse by my LIE dad so I personally find them pretty predictable as well. My dad will usually cave when I resort to physical force, you gotta just position the confrontation right and catch them off guard, play a sheep, let them think they're pulling your string then BOOM. They'll usually resort to playing the victim in that instance being so blind sided, which does nothing for me. I don't care about looking like a dick to a bigger dick.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    I'm well aware of the itr dynamic between SLE and LIE. However I have been dualized for a long time and am ti sub along with many years of abuse by my LIE dad so I personally find them pretty predictable as well. My dad will usually cave when I resort to physical force, you gotta just position the confrontation right and catch them off guard, play a sheep, let them think they're pulling your string then BOOM. They'll usually resort to playing the victim in that instance being so blind sided, which does nothing for me. I don't care about looking like a dick to a bigger dick.
    FACTS. My father was an LIE dickhead, as well, so I get it. And he had been kicked around by his LSI and SLE dickhead father and brother. I spent a lot of my youth in a very violent, strong Se valuing society and I probably have a mild PTSD, which is why my antennae immediately go up when high D Se types start talking about applying "pressure." lol Tangentially, this makes me think of epigenetic trauma, the notion that traumatic experiences can leave a chemical mark on one's genes (that might, for example, alter how genes manage the predominance of certain hormones), which might then be passed down from generation to generation, kind of like an inbuilt survival kit for your progeny.

    Interestingly enough, Gulenko, in comparing his DCNH system with Helen Fisher's hormonal typology, posited a correlation between Dominant [Te, Se, Fe] & Testosterone, Creative [Ne, Fe, Se] & Dopamine, Normalizing [Ti, Fi, Si] & Serotonin, and Harmonizing [Ni, Fi, Si] & Estrogen. All of these theories are circumstantial af, but it's interesting to ponder the possible connections and correlations.

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    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    I'm well aware of the itr dynamic between SLE and LIE. However I have been dualized for a long time and am ti sub along with many years of abuse by my LIE dad so I personally find them pretty predictable as well. My dad will usually cave when I resort to physical force, you gotta just position the confrontation right and catch them off guard, play a sheep, let them think they're pulling your string then BOOM. They'll usually resort to playing the victim in that instance being so blind sided, which does nothing for me. I don't care about looking like a dick to a bigger dick.
    Yes, this is the only thing that’s worked for me with the former employer I mentioned as well. Play nice so they get close to you again, expose them and observe them trying to manipulate and put you down by them playing victim while blatantly and obviously ignoring their own sins which have just been exposed, and then drop the ultimatum.

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