This made me think of the subconscious ways my Te- lead manifests.
It is said to be unsustainable thirst for acquiring stuff.

If you look at me being a Sx first you could call it that way. It manifests with me acquiring attraction.
In most of my environments women crush a lot on me. In one of my old courses there was not a single women that did not have a crush on me for some time or at least found me attractive.
I usually flirt with people i feel an attraction with and some of them fell in love with me in the process.
Ni creative is a great tool to make people feel good, being a Sx first one and harmonizer gives you a good picture to project.
Maybe you could call that exploitation, i don't even do that on purpose, i even avoided socializing with a group of women in near past because i know i don't want to marry any of them and they would only fall in love with me.

But yes, maybe that is a way i exploit people. It's an Se hidden agenda and intensity thing for me probably. i genuily feel what i share with those women but in the end i know that i won't keep any of them. Still i usually make them fall for me, not even sure if i intend to do so. Maybe also a Victim thing, looking for their Se to pull through and not finding it.
intimacy Maybe this is how i exploit people in my prime focus Sx, it runs automatically and i don't ever seem to have enough connection and people finding me attractive while showing interest in only a few.
[Wow i really do like myself, but this wasn't even the intention of this post geniuly seemed like a connection when i started to write this.]
Also, i do think that what strati wrote was in a hypothetical situation and she focused on the subjective perspective of a specific esi in this situation, and did not mean the word exploiter as a generalization.