Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
What are SEE's drawn towards in romantic partners?

I had an SEE-Se female friend and when adult, she felt attracted to introverted men who were like interesting in the sense of saying deep stuff about things. Like philosophy and that were in spiritual esque stuff. They like someone who can "read" into things not just keep with whats outside but what's going on inside, in that what SEE can't read or penetrate into.
I also know an ESI female and she really seem to need Te advice on business. Like if you do X with this money you have you will get more money. That kind of thing.
SEEs (both sexes) can talk and talk about their plans in hopes of getting some useful feedback (sometimes they dont listen to it, though). They also need help in organization and administration of finances, setting the right prices, etc.
Yep but theoretical explorations in terms of Gulenko and Jung is frowned upon. Those have zero application. They may however still appreciate inner search because... well it may open doors in personal business.