Quote Originally Posted by voider View Post
Mostly because I assume everyone else is this way too. Why WOULDN'T you look out for yourself, and do the utmost to achieve what you want? I thought about it since I wrote my previous post, and I think that it's not really selfishness from the SEE perspective. It's just the way things are. If I tell you to do something, and you do it... That's on YOU, not me. Because if someone else tells me to do something and I don't want to do it, I sure as hell will say no... Lol. Obviously socionics has made me aware some people find that really hard, though. So I'm trying to think about it
As I like to tell anyone who'll listen, life's a game and you cannot "not" play. Every attempt to not play, to prove my point, can be and actually is a workable way to play it (e.g. my strategy of absolute and total honesty at all times). If the person you're telling to do a thing cannot figure out that it's either stupid, unreasonable, or is otherwise a request for them to screw themselves over royally in a very obvious fashion yet they try to fulfill the request anyway? Yeah, on them mostly. Mostly. Pretty faces and/or hot bods can and will gunk up the mental gears in even the best of us .