Quote Originally Posted by Accipiter View Post
It does look really selfish on the surface. I had an SEE roommate for 2+ years and was convinced he was a narcissist until I learned that's just how SEE's are. In my experience it was like a "me first" attitude towards life plus either not caring or not noticing the consequences of your actions. It's like a group package and the good qualities can't exist the same way without those as well, which is part of the reason it seems like everyone is ready to give them a free pass.
Mostly because I assume everyone else is this way too. Why WOULDN'T you look out for yourself, and do the utmost to achieve what you want? I thought about it since I wrote my previous post, and I think that it's not really selfishness from the SEE perspective. It's just the way things are. If I tell you to do something, and you do it... That's on YOU, not me. Because if someone else tells me to do something and I don't want to do it, I sure as hell will say no... Lol. Obviously socionics has made me aware some people find that really hard, though. So I'm trying to think about it