Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
I've had sex with SEEs and it was top notch a couple times. But other than that I'd rather avoid most of them. You're right about them wanting other people to fulfill their desires for them. It's like they rope people into it. It's like some innate selfishness.
Hm, I wouldn't say innate selfishness, more a lack of Ni, ya know, consequences of actions. Peeps are selfish, even the selfless ones often have a hidden selfish agenda.
Like moths, they go towards the light and this light becomes their sole focus, they forget to step back and look around somehow. They can burn out from the light, get lost, lose sight of what is truly important, justify all means with the end. Sometimes, they forget how they got there or why and what's the way back to themselves, they wanted this but it isn't really want they wanted, i.e. dream vs reality. That's why they go well with ILI, the fly on the wall just observing, the fly saw everything and can help them find the way home... if they wish to go back home.