Quote Originally Posted by Accipiter View Post

The closest I can come to understand what role an ILI would fulfill for an SEE is that ILI's are simply a need that SEE's don't understand they have? That's pretty shitty. I'm hoping I can find something more tangible, and so I really welcome any ideas or experiences you have.
I think this is closest to the truth. As you know duals compensate each other mentally. This creates both the feeling of being balanced and being accepted. It happens automatically without you noticing. I myself see duality primarily as an emergent phenomenon that creates good chemistry and communication. It's not about objective attractive traits in the partner, but more about chemistry.

Duality is not very tangible imo. The question you ask could be asked about all other dual couples also.

Of course duals also help each other with their different strengths and behaviour, but imo this is secondary although it can be important in a long term relationship.

About attraction: duals are not automatically romantically attracted to each other. There are many examples of the opposite. It's just one important factor, but for romantic relationships other factors are needed also. That's outside the scope of socionics.