Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
@Accipiter, ILI’s have minds that actually work. A mature SEE is going to value that above everything else. Also, SEE’s want to be the only one on stage, and an ILI is happy to let them get all the attention. That is not going to be true of any other type, and the SEE will eventually come to painfully realize this.
This reminds me of a quote that basically sums up the entire ILI/my mindset. "There is no limit to how far you can go so long as you don't care who gets the credit."

People like me would rather accomplish our ends the details be damned. Who gives a fuck if our GF or whomever we're involved with gets all the credit and accolades for a given feat so long as that feat was accomplished and it had the result I desired? Better to be forgotten by all (except perhaps some hardcore autistic history professor) and achieve thy goals than to be remembered by everyone who lived thereafter for utterly failing to accomplish your stated goals or worse. I'd rather be forgotten yet successful than remembered by all as an utter failure.