Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
Most people get a clearer picture of themselves as they grow older but many egocentrics can't and the oblivious don't even look. Ips can be very insightful of others but seem to have great difficulty with self-evaluation because they tend to be overly guarded, and suspicious of what others may say. Ips seem to metaphorically build castles of assumptions, behind which they defend themselves. When one never leaves a castle and only peers out, it hard to get a true picture of it as seen from the outside; one eventually has to accept what others say as plausible.....

a.k.a. I/O
Well said... finding out I was actually INTp rather then INFp was a huge blow to my ego...but one that is meant to be meant for laughter and a reminder to only look at these things as guidelines and helpful to an extent. I also learned I mistyped my significant other because of the strong projections I was putting on her....another blow to the ego..but also a step up in humility.