
Thanks for going through in depth like this. You asked a lot of question and the font makes it difficult for me to find most of them so I'm going to reply to the ones I noticed at first.

do you think it's because you have to force yourself to be extroverted, or more assertive, or more emotional?
More assertive. There's nothing really emotional in what I described there.

do you feel annoyed when someone is logically inconsistent? What about when they're impractical/unproductive in a Te sense?
Neither one annoys me.

do you ever consider what a situation might lack, or how to make things better, or just a new way of doing things?
Well, like I said, I don't actively think about that, it's just kinda always going on in the background. Like I'm aware of it but it's a background awareness by default. I don't need to actively think about it like "what does this situation lack" I just immediately know what is lacking, or what can be made better, etc. I don't even think about it.

However, I think my Ne is probably 1D or 2D at best, because I don't care at all about helping other people finding their interests or potentials or whatever - which you seem to have noticed. When it comes to systems or theories, that is when I'm inclined as above to just think of improvements automatically. But I definitely don't care about guessing people's interests or tendencies or helping people with that at all.

yeah lol i felt like you were trying to use normative ne but it came off as forced and quirky. it was an expression of your creativity, but i think that any type can be creative if they try to be
I wouldn't consider that creative, or Ne at all. These were all realistic possibilities that I considered once upon a time, so it's more Se than anything.

how would you react/feel if someone mentioned to you how you've changed or how your character has developed?
Ignore it. I don't really care about that at all.

i feel like this sort of contradicts what you said before with the "practical projects in the long run" because that statement implies that you do feel the passage of time... did you mean something else?
I don't feel the passage of time, as in, I don't consciously experience the passage of time. I somehow "just know" what needs to be done when, but I don't think about it consciously.

same, but do you really feel like it's a waste of time or do you feel like it has long-term practical potential like you said earlier?
Haha, of course this doesn't have long-term practical value at all. It's purely for fun. Like I said though, I enjoy it, I'm learning stuff so it's not a waste.

Not everything I do has long-term practical value. In fact, to be honest, most of it doesn't. The pragmatism is more of a goal/ideal than a reality. This is part of why I now type as ESI, which is a Te-seeking type, of course.