Quote Originally Posted by remiges View Post
Yeah, the order was incorrect, I see what you mean. I got a bit sloppy there, but the general idea still stands.

What I meant for their own sake, was that you can just consider them in and of themselves without ultimately needing to take some kind of concrete action, unlike how I imagine an SLE would. Thoughts? I may be getting dangerously close to sloppy again, lol sorry.
Oh, I'm actually not saying the order is incorrect, necessarily -- that order would be consistent with ILE. I was just referencing it in light of your previous comment. I think you made a valid observation about the order, and it was something I was not aware of, so thanks again for that.

I actually think you are correct that I'm coming up with ideas first and only checking them for logical consistency after that.

I see what you mean now. In that case, I do consider ideas without taking action most of the time, but I usually, but not always, like to fit ideas into theories or with other ideas. So it's still not action-oriented, though, I guess.