Quote Originally Posted by redundantoxymoron View Post
Would you believe I've been typed SLE off this same questionnaire, by a so-called school of Socionics?
”Would you”? Hm, interesting question. Sure, why not?

Was it really? Did they give their reasoning? Would like to read it if so...

You missed the key point here, though: that I easily withstand intimidation. I can be persuaded to a different position. I'm not that rigid. But I won't be *intimidated* into a different position. So it's not about Ti rigidity; it's about resistance to Se intimidation.
Right. I suppose I did. Saying that you could “resist” pressure, it cannot be your “point of least resistance,” however, could it be you are so terrible at estimating pressure placed on you that you cannot even tell?

This is becoming circular. This is great. LOL

What PoLR do you see for yourself, then?