Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
I think it's difficult to trust someone who has no concern for their own self-preservation.
I think it depends on what you consider the self. I think the whole flesh and spirit thing really is a good point. If you consider yourself your body, you can be made to do anything and even that will be lost because your intellect would degenerate. As it is now, everyone will die. Making intangibles more important than simply staying alive seems like a good starting point, though I don't believe in some kind of "Heaven" and I would like the body to be able to live indefinitely as well. I hope someone brings everyone back. If you're brought back, dying for a while is not a huge deal. I can't imagine a coherent non-awful afterlife really. People joke Heaven is a place where nothing happens and the Greeks complained about Hades for the same reason. I guess if you could influence the world like a ghost, saint, or angel that wouldn't apply, but I don't see a place of utter peace being appealing in any fashion even if it could exist. We all know how rest without light goes. It's a strange world when people are arguing Hades is great because it's not eternal unconsciousness. Yes, brain function goes on well after the rest of the body shuts down and we've all seen a spider's leg twitch while severed from its body. I'm sure humans could go to an unending solipsistic dreamworld easily within scientifically allowed parameters but I don't want that.