Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
It's just a perpetual game of cat and mouse, since the socionics concept of duality seems to extend into other aspects of relationships and other aspects of life, so the liar is always looking out for their "dual", the complimentary yet conflicting opposite, who is going to find them out.

In socionics sense, types that have inert intuition, which lends into wishful kind of thinking, are paired up with types that have inert sensing and a much more concrete perception of the world, which could create to such a relational dynamic, but this extends well beyond Ni/Se ego relationships e.g. Ne lead ILEs are paired with Si lead SEIs, Ne h.a. LSEs are paired with Si h.a. EIIs and so on.
Yes, that is sort of what I was meaning here with the cat and mouse. This is true.

For me, personally, I would consider myself incredibly romantic (though I do not show this to many people in my life), I am an idealist and have more than once caught myself doing some stupid shit because “it seemed like a good idea.” I think I need a good dose of “stop being a moron, no, that can’t be, wake up from your stupid dreams and stop just making more shit up.” lol

Do you have any sources about inert sensing and inert intuition? I ended up reading some article using IEE as an example but it did not seem to quite fit what you were saying here... thanks in advance.