Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
Are you asking about the desire to be forced to tell the truth, specifically? This does seem different to me wrt the type and motivation of the lie. A potentially harmful lie is different than a white lie and I think anyone would have a different behavior in response to it (even if they still think a white lie is "bad"). And do you mean explicit lies told to other people or less blatant comforting narratives that you tell yourself for pain avoidance? Cuz...oof
Oof, yeah. I miscalculated. Lying was a loaded word, I should have seen that one coming (but, it did lead to some insights for myself, so I guess not all bad). It was really more about the escapism bit/running away from being defined until forced by either the situation or someone else.

As I was going through this, I realized that I may have prioritized Ne - sharing an idea, starting a new topic - slightly over Ni, trying to map out its outcome, as I did end up miscalculating it. I also realized that I knew, in general, people did not like the idea of 'lying' but that personally, I cannot sense the morality of the word... and that implies a modicum of higher dimensionality in Fe than Fi. Fascinating! Next is seeing if this pattern is more common than the other way around in my daily life...