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Thread: So, is this SLE-Ti or SLI-Te?

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  1. #1
    Northstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Observing what seems like Ni-valuing in this statement. Not sure if Ne PoLR. How upset do you become if you're expected to constantly ping around to ever-changing goals? Do you feel overwhelmed and angry, mildly annoyed, can you keep up even if you don't want to, etc?

    The SLIs I've known aren't really tied to a goal, nor are they looking for The One Big Goal. They provide stable grounding and provision in the physical realm, but find the Ne pinging around to be fun and refreshing.

    Still not sure if LSI-Se or SLE-Ti (I agree with your observation that there's a lot of overlap in the descriptions), but I'm not seeing SLI for you. Of course, I'm just a stranger on the internet and I'm sure you have many more facets than what you've shown in this thread
    I get really frustrated especially if I had already invested effort and money in something and then the goal changes. I easily latch on a suggestion that I like and take it very seriously but expect full cooperation and alignment from others. I feel relieved when there aren't too many options to choose from and start by eliminating them until there is only one left.

    Thanks again to Alonzo's efforts in VI comparison by PM, I agree with his suggestion of LSI based on that. It fits surprisingly well. I had my own suspicions of the type already but didn't want to bias the discussion too much yet. And in case of subtypes, LSI-Se fits much better.
    Some of the things that immediately come to mind from that fit LSI:
    - When disciplining, I start with asking nicely once or twice, but if it doesn't work then I start gradually applying more and more pain. Tightening the screws.
    - VI-related, the father of a gf once commented how he liked that I always had a straight posture and walked briskly not looking like a sloucher. I often get comments how I always sit with a straight back as well.
    - Many of my bosses at work have complimented on how they see me as a reliable, solid lieutenant that takes care of any problem. Also that I never show any signs of distress which makes it hard to judge if I'm overworked or not.
    - I like wearing my work clothes as a sort of uniform which gives a feeling of belonging to this company and being proud of it.
    - I easily fall into daily routines and get a feeling of wrongness when I'm forced to deviate from them. Like my daily workout routine that I can't continue now because of the pandemic.
    - During one of the arguments with IEE ex she compared the inside of her head to chaos and that she sees me as the complete opposite (order). Then again most types would seem orderly compared to IEE..

    Also regarding the previous comment on Fe. I often appreciate mood-lifting music and such efforts from others (especially when they're done in my style), despite the serious exterior it doesn't take much for me to get informal and silly if I feel the environment is right for that kind of expression that builds camaraderie. I also like metal concerts (most recently seen Lindemann, Rammstein and Sabaton) and the feeling of brotherhood that they often give. I'm pretty nationalistic and idealize the classic beta notions of belonging, us vs. them-mentality and trusting your life with your brother in arms. That kind of stuff I enjoyed when serving in the military. Not so much the obeying of arbitrary rules part though. One of my best friends is probably LSI, he liked it enough in the military to remain a few more years and do a couple peacekeeping tours too. We just don't see each other that often anymore due to residing in different countries and neither of us coming up with ideas of what to do.
    Last edited by Northstar; 03-20-2020 at 08:35 AM.

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I get really frustrated especially if I had already invested effort and money in something and then the goal changes. I easily latch on a suggestion that I like and take it very seriously but expect full cooperation and alignment from others. I feel relieved when there aren't too many options to choose from and start by eliminating them until there is only one left.

    Thanks again to Alonzo's efforts in VI comparison by PM, I agree with his suggestion of LSI based on that. It fits surprisingly well. I had my own suspicions of the type already but didn't want to bias the discussion too much yet. And in case of subtypes, LSI-Se fits much better.
    Some of the things that immediately come to mind from that fit LSI:
    - When disciplining, I start with asking nicely once or twice, but if it doesn't work then I start gradually applying more and more pain. Tightening the screws.
    - VI-related, the father of a gf once commented how he liked that I always had a straight posture and walked briskly not looking like a sloucher. I often get comments how I always sit with a straight back as well.
    - Many of my bosses at work have complimented on how they see me as a reliable, solid lieutenant that takes care of any problem. Also that I never show any signs of distress which makes it hard to judge if I'm overworked or not.
    - I like wearing my work clothes as a sort of uniform which gives a feeling of belonging to this company and being proud of it.
    - I easily fall into daily routines and get a feeling of wrongness when I'm forced to deviate from them. Like my daily workout routine that I can't continue now because of the pandemic.
    - During one of the arguments with IEE ex she compared the inside of her head to chaos and that she sees me as the complete opposite (order). Then again most types would seem orderly compared to IEE..

    Also regarding the previous comment on Fe. I often appreciate mood-lifting music and such efforts from others (especially when they're done in my style), despite the serious exterior it doesn't take much for me to get informal and silly if I feel the environment is right for that kind of expression that builds camaraderie. I also like metal concerts (most recently seen Lindemann, Rammstein and Sabaton) and the feeling of brotherhood that they often give. I'm pretty nationalistic and idealize the classic beta notions of belonging, us vs. them-mentality and trusting your life with your brother in arms. That kind of stuff I enjoyed when serving in the military. Not so much the obeying of arbitrary rules part though. One of my best friends is probably LSI, he liked it enough in the military to remain a few more years and do a couple peacekeeping tours too. We just don't see each other that often anymore due to residing in different countries and neither of us coming up with ideas of what to do.
    Glad you were able to settle on a type, it was fun hearing more about you and contrasting your LSI-Se characteristics with other LSIs in my life. LSI-Se seems like a great fit based on your list; I can better see your relationship with Ne now. Interesting how I focused more on your relationship with Ni...I suppose I'm Ne-ignoring, after all, so wasn't looking for that as much as I was Ni.

    I could picture an LSI-Se father of two of my students doing every single thing you described: his approach to discipline, he walks very upright and purposefully/powerfully/quickly, and "lieutenant" is an amazing descriptor for him. I will give him instructions for the boys and I feel like this makes him alert, then by the next week everything has been carried out to the letter. I never worry he'll forget something.

    In contrast, I feel like SLEs swagger a bit more They have a smirk about them sometimes, while LSIs expressions are much more serious and appropriate unless they feel it's okay to cut loose. I also don't see SLEs as being particularly loyal to a cause. They're too spontaneous and chaotic most of the time, preferring to go where their impulses take them (or at least be able to change course whenever they want).

    There seem to be significant differences between your subtype and Ti subtype, too. I know someone of the Ti subtype and he's extremely laid-back. Seems less purposeful. His gait is slow and fluid, and he has a sort of tuned-out expression most of the time, like he's in a fog (enneagram 9w8 I think). He perks up really well if I come on strong with Fe and make lots of eye contact. It's more work for me to interact with him because I really have to dial up the Fe for us to connect, which feels one-way and is draining after a while. Interactions with Se subtype flow more naturally since they're more responsive and initiating.

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