Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
The problem is that there's significant overlap in many descriptions of SLI(-Te), LSI-(Se), and SLE(-Ti). Subtypes bias the types so that they start to blur into each other.
For every ST type actions speak more than words. Both introverted ST types (even some SLE-Ti descs) are described by outward calmness with inner rage. That's actually something that fits. I'm usually calm but it take surprisingly little to blow my fuse resulting in swift physical action (not so much words or shouting)....... I don't have any close friends ....... On thing that stuck out is how I don't ever affirm people in my relationships.........
Ip-types and to a lesser extent Ejs often have difficulty with objectivity - especially when it comes to themselves. Inner rage seems to be more common in LSE and SLI although all types can develop such attitudes due to negative life experiences or mental health issues. I know of more than a few SLI who haven't yet found anyone with whom they are close, and they certainly wouldn't affirm people; however, being generally detached from people as you seem to imply is more of an Ij trait. Two of the same type or subtype can be very different though they process information in exactly the same way - so one shouldn't compare onself with a final product (another person) but rather the processes that they use......

a.k.a. I/O