Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
If you're Beta ST, not much of a SLI description should apply to you. Unfortunately, the only article of mine on Beta ST that's still retrievable is a SLE uncovered profile, which seems to overly enrage many SLEs, so if you have that sort of reaction then it may be a clue. Most SLEs aren't deserving of this description but I've known several that were - also, the current US president:


a.k.a. I/O
The problem is that there's significant overlap in many descriptions of SLI(-Te), LSI-(Se), and SLE(-Ti). Subtypes bias the types so that they start to blur into each other.
For every ST type actions speak more than words. Both introverted ST types (even some SLE-Ti descs) are described by outward calmness with inner rage. That's actually something that fits. I'm usually calm but it take surprisingly little to blow my fuse resulting in swift physical action (not so much words or shouting). My SLI friend thought it was funny so dunno if it's more LSI related then.

Some of the parts where I don't agree with your SLI description is being very caring and considerate of friends and being loyal to people that don't deserve/want it. In that sense Beta fits much better. I don't have any close friends that I would engage outside of a specific environment (work, hobby).
That uncovered SLE description was pretty funny but only contains negatives which I really see only as flipsides of some positives. On thing that stuck out is how I don't ever affirm people in my relationships. That's one point where I feel clearly different from a SLI friend of mine who tends to talk highly of his friends sometimes.