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Thread: So, is this SLE-Ti or SLI-Te?

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    Northstar's Avatar
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    Post Concluded typing thread: LSI

    Edit: I am finally fully convinced of LSI (-Se).

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    Robotics engineering, technical lead. I like that it's multi-discipline engineering and I get to solve difficult problems, make decisions for myself and lead a small team.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    Strength training at the gym consistently. On/off playing MMORPGs like WoW and ESO. Working on cars, driving. I like sci-fi series, movies and books.
    I like to feel strong and healthy (and look like it). I like experiencing, learning and accomplishing new practical things. I like to have an actual impact on the world.

    What are your values, and why?
    This is a difficult one. For a long time I thought I didn't have any. But I really don't like: stupidity, too many rules and restrictions, weakness and incompetence, social justice warriors and political correctness

    Describe your relationships with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    Mostly good, but somewhat distant relations. Usually because people that like the same things as me are just as bad in keeping in touch and organizing something together. I enjoy an informal atmosphere of playfully insulting each other as well as doing something useful together. Like working on cars, discussing the projects on a very practical level, having some beers and having a laugh at some funny and offensive memes. I think I also might enjoy a deeper philosophical discussion, but only with people that share my viewpoints. In general I have no interest in associating with people who wouldn't agree with me. Regarding family, my siblings are closer with each other than with me. I view my little brother as interesting and smart but somewhat lacking in confidence and practicality (maybe LII). I view my little sister as potentially fun but also lazy and too easily offended (maybe EII). Both seem to be Ne valuing introverts anyway

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    Similar interests and sense of humor definitely are the most important qualities when it comes to friends. Usefulness is a big plus as well, I would get bored of someone who is all talk and no action. Romantically I'm realistic and don't expect the same type of interests from women but same sense of humor is important, meaning not too easily offended. Someone who seldom rejects physical advances since that and practical help are the ways for me to show love. And yes, even with compatible personalities being physically very attractive (to me) is an absolute requirement. I would much appreciate someone who can come up with something cool to do but also agree to jump on adventures with me when I manage to come up with one.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Usually the conflicts with people close to me are either due to me being inconsiderate towards them or me feeling like they don't appreciate me enough (or don't show it).
    With strangers it's if they are disrespectful (or I come across so myself) or them trying to impose their rules on me. I don't care much about imposing rules on strangers myself but I can be very competitive.

    What are your strengths? What do people like about you? What do you like about yourself?
    Analytical thinking, confidence, ability to learn new things quickly, applying theoretical knowledge in practice. Fearlessness in taking on challenges at work and determination.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Impulsiveness (from colleagues), inconsiderateness (from everyone), "lack of humane touch" (verbatim comment by a loved one, she tested MBTI ENFP), selfishness, "I can't really tell if you're an asshole or not" (verbatim comment by an IEI).
    I dislike my inability in preparing for the future and thinking things through in advance and inability to handle situations where I don't feel in control of my fate (I HATE flying, have no problem in taking risks driving fast).

    I also dislike my incompetence in managing romantic relationships and being satisfied with things in general, I always find faults. I sometimes feel I lack a good enough purpose in life.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I can very well take care of my own health and stand my ground and take care of my own interests. I never accept compromises where I lose more than I gain. I can easily manage with rules and regulations if I want to. I can fix most anything mechanical, electrical or software with my own hands.
    Despite lacking people skills I can sometimes convince people over to my viewpoint using logical arguments. But I really need help in creating a vision and plan for my future. I need help in learning to enjoy and appreciate that which I already have, and someone to provide warmth.

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I very much dislike routines chores at home such as cleaning and cooking. I dislike talking about my feelings, especially with people I don't trust. I enjoy learning new things (hours on wikipedia or now on socionics sites is not unusual) while listening to music I like. I like fixing things that were broken just to prove that I can. I like winning and overcoming challenges but hate losing so I prefer not to compete if I'm certain of losing or not placing favorably.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future, and why?
    This is a very difficult question. But I would like to have a house on the countryside with a big garage to work on my hobbies, especially cars. I want a traditional family. I want to make a big positive impact on the world, like building or developing something very important for the whole mankind. I would definitely work for free if it was something I truly believed in (like a generation starship or colonizing a new planet as sci-fi examples).

    If you won the lottery and didn't have to work anymore, what would you do?
    I would start my own company doing something I like on my own terms and trying to expand it. I definitely wouldn't want investors interfering with my decisions though.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    Child-like innocence and dreaminess maybe (in women)? I don't mind if a woman is a bit incompetent in practical things or technology as long as she's sweet and loving.
    I'm annoyed by people defending losers, being overly compassionate towards strangers.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)?
    Not really any of those. I'm pretty indifferent to such things although I appreciate cleanliness and neatness if someone else creates it. I do try to keep my car cleaner than most and repair all defects. I keep myself clean but don't always care to shave or dress according to social norms.

    In what situations or times in your life did you feel most fulfilled, and why?
    When some project I have been working on comes to completion with good (preferably exceptional) results. When someone really appreciates or loves me as a person. I often feel like a bad person but I like if someone manages to convince me of the opposite.
    Also If I meet someone I really feel like I connect with because it is rare.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Indifferently. I don't initiate contact but don't shy away from it either. If someone initiates conversation I try to be polite.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    With rage that doesn't calm down easily. An insult I answer with a worse insult, as a child I would have physically attacked but now I have more self-control. If someone attacks me I answer with all force I have.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Sometimes, I feel like nothing has a purpose and I'm just getting older and getting nowhere. I feel like I should have achieved much more than I have and regret some impulsive decisions that I should have thought through.
    I keep to myself, listen to music or try escapism through games, movies, books. Sometimes get drunk but more or less controlled and at home (otherwise I almost never drink nowadays).

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I actually run a side business that came out of a hobby. Professional services, sole enterpreneur.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    Practically, sportily, never formally. I keep clean but don't use any products except for shampoo and soap.

    What were you like as a child? How have you changed since then?
    Willful, stubborn, somewhat wild and impulsive. Got into a lot of fights. I have calmed down a lot.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    Yes. But only the small ones that obviously need protection.

    How do you feel about attention? Do you seek it out?
    I'm fine with it, I don't especially seek it out but don't back away from it either. As long as it's something I feel competent with.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I feel responsible for loved ones and keeping my word, delivering that what was promised. I expect loyalty and trustworthiness. Competence from my colleagues.
    I expect punctuality although I sometimes fail myself due to difficulty of judging how long things take. I'm too much of an optimist regarding time.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what approach would you take, and why?
    To make sure they grow up healthy, smart and able to stand up for themselves. I'd be pretty authoritative and would not shy away from punishment when needed.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    I can't say. Maybe something I have done at work, maybe some patent or product development work or creating my own personal "brand" with a niche product but I can't pick just one thing.
    I feel like it's still something I need to do and haven't succeeded in yet.

    What was (or is) your high school experience like?
    Uneventful. I kept mostly to myself, I wasn't popular but not an outcast either. I kind of got along with both the "cool people" as well as the "nerds". The former seemed sometimes too stupid and shallow and the latter seemed, well, too nerdy.

    What is something you regret?
    Badly hurting the feelings of a good woman who truly loved me.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    Nobody, I don't have idols. But If I had to pick one, I like Elon Musk's vision and competence. I still drive Tesla even though the company doesn't always do the right thing by its customers..

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    I don't know how to make some big choices in my life. Especially regarding who I should spend it with.

    What are your spiritual or religious beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I don't have any.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    Tending to the right but not in a religious way (if you think USA). I'm not politically active but I don't like multiculturalism or rabid feminism.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I want to do something useful which has a positive impact on the world through technological means. I want to have decision-making power and work in peace at my own pace. Money in itself is not the most important thing, status and meaning are more important.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    I think I liked chemistry and history most.

    Do you like surprises?

    There were more questions but now I got bored and it's time to do something else.

    Last edited by Northstar; 03-27-2020 at 02:59 PM.

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