Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Logic can tell you the best way to do something, but not what you should do.
Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.

Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end.

Thus the third practical principle follows [from the first two] as the ultimate condition of their harmony with practical reason: the idea of the will of every rational being as a universally legislating will.

e_e.. yes it can. By applying it to the context of the situation you have your limited range of actions to chose from. It is certainly superior to going with "what I feel is right". What I feel is right might be brutal murder.

Outcomes however cannot be controlled. Causality is a thing and there are too many variables to keep track of to ensure a positive outcome, which makes intent important.