Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
yeah I agree. Including you I have known many SEE's who think they are ESTP. I also know one self typed ESTP who got officially typed as EIE-N. Even I as LSI have a side to me that is more IEI, minus all the Te problems IEIs have ofc.
That’s because MBTI ESTP and SEE are weak with Te. I’m weak with Te in the area where if I have to come up from scratch how to execute plans, that’s problematic. I won’t know how to do something until I’m forced in the moment. Te has to serve my Se. I’m resourceful but not executive, not managerial. I can organize and improve upon what already exists but if you want me to teach you step by step on how to arrive at a conclusion, that’s going to be difficult for me to explain. I can work things with Ti no problems, I even create my own systems of organizing large bodies of information (like when I worked in my law office job and I came up with how to cross reference cases based on 5 different factors) but Te, that’s another thing. I’m not good at the pure efficiency and practical side of controlling resources and information. So I cannot exactly explain how and why I came up with what I did. All I know is it makes sense. This has been my big question I want answered which was what lead me to get typed because I wanted to know why I do what I do (a Te matter). That’s why the MBTI ESTPs often come out SEE but if they’re super focused on the emotionality aspect, they’ll be EIE In which case, I consider them delusional even from MBTI perspective because they’re still not Se dom.