Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
........ ESI-Fi are far more rigid than LSI-Se. The soft out layer is only there in the ESI-Se, the ESI-Fi is quite frequently reactive, they verbalize their anger, and ESI-Fi males are a lot more sexually aggressive than ESI-Se males (for females it's the other way around) and complain and criticize people a lot; other than the much more piercing gaze, ESI-Se are far warmer and friendlier. What did you mean by hard interior? I'm really curious what you meant by that. It seems to me like your ESI description of ESI-Se is ESI-Fi turned inside out..........
You quoted me but your comments referred to subtypes and what Stratiyevskaya said so I'm assuming by the deflection that you're simply not agreeing with anything that I said. A hard interior refers to a detached, objective (cold) view of life where only their rationalizations of (feelings about) things are considered valid. ESI, ESI-Se and ESI-Fi don't often accept other peoples' opinions at face value although many may give outward appearances that they do. Regardless of subtypes, ESIs handle information in the same rigid fashion (similar in structure to LSIs); one has to look below appearances to see thinking processes, preferences and priorities.

a.k.a. I/O