I assume you are female.

In my experience, LSI's are more sexually aggressive than ESI's, but that is a comparative measure and probably isn't useful in distinguishing between the two types in a single case.

Do you seek Fe or Te? That is a huge difference.

Do you use tools? LSI's use tools, ESI's tend to shop for clothes.

ESI's prefer to wear pastels and clothes with tasteful, broad patterns. LSI's tend to wear black and white, with red highlights.

ESI's can get outraged when someone tells them something they don't agree with. LSI's can be told anything at all, as long as it is the truth.

LSI's can make formidable technical writers, while ESI's are much better at vetting a given document for consistency.

LSI's often have encyclopedic knowledge of medicine or biology, while ESI's do not.

This last difference, along with your name, is the reason I think you are LSI.